Is it just us or did One Direction’s Louis Tomlinson get hot? Like, really hot. Since he and his girlfriend broke up, we in the office have suddenly noticed that he’s pretty damn attractive.
That subtle stubble, that chiseled jaw, that carefully sculpted hair – we’re hooked. It could be the fact that he seems to be constantly surrounded by girls that’s awoken our competitive side (watch out, ladies) but maybe, just maybe, Louis is the new Harry Styles.
Louis Tomlinson Is Newly Single And Looking Fit

Exhibit A: Louis just being Louis being fit

He's not just super hot, Louis has got a sense of humour too GUYS #wholepackage

He's not just a pretty face (and funny), hes 's talented too. Look at him go...

He even looks good when channelling Danny Zuko. Tell me about it, stud...

Man he scrubs up well. You don't even need a tie when you look this good.

Be still our beating hearts. Let's just take a few seconds out of our day to appreciate this photo.

No, we didn't make a mistake and no, Louis is not an outfit repeater (how could you even SUGGEST that?!) - he just looked so incredibly hot that night that we had to include two photos. But erm who is that girl in the background, amirite?
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Follow Victoria on Twitter @VBeardwood
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.