Lord grant us the confidence of Lizzo, the woman who can pull off quite literally anything. The tiniest bag in the world? Rocking it. The t-shirt dress she wore to a baskteball game on Sunday, which, when she turned round to twerk, revealed her entire bum? Also, rocking it. For Lizzo, nothing is too ridiculous, too absurd, too much or, as often is the case, too little.

All brilliant popstars break fashion boundaries - and Lizzo is most definitely one of the most interesting, and fashion savvy, stars we have right now. In fact, we even interviewed her stylist, Marko Monroe{
But, sadly, not everyone was a fan of last week’s risque ensemble. There was an uproar on social media, with some lambasting the singer for daring to show her body at a ‘family game’.
Cue world’s biggest eyeroll, when nobody bats an eyelid when cheerleaders continue to prance around in hotpants to support players, when Rihanna wore a nearly see-through vest top (without a bra) to a basketball game, or even when Nicki Minaj turned up in bondage and killer heels last year.

Something doesn’t seem right. And some on social media have pointed out that, maybe, some’s problem is actually fatphobia. ‘I love to see the fatphobia come out whenever Lizzo dares to transgress whatever boxes fat people are supposed to be confined in,’ one person tweeted. ‘If there’s one thing in life that’s consistent, it’s fatphobic people.’ Meanwhile, another pointed out how someone like Rihanna is more likely to be praised for when she, in tabloid speak, ‘leaves little to the imagination’. (‘Lizzo was right. You all are fatphobic. Rihanna would’ve been dubbed “iconic” for wearing that dress.’)
The musician herself has since responded to some of the disapproving comments, telling her haters on an Instagram live video that they can ‘kiss it’. Honestly, she told the camera, ‘You don't have to be like me, you need to be like you and never ever let somebody stop you, or shame you from being yourself.’ She continued, letting viewers know that the internet and irl negativity doesn’t impact her life at all. 'Your criticism has no effect on me, negative criticism has no stake in my life, no control over my life, over my emotions,' Lizzo assured us. 'I'm the happiest I've ever been I'm surrounded by love and I just want to spread that love – and also spread these cheeks. And you know what? If you really, really don't like my ass, you can kiss it.'
Obvs, we’re not the only fans of Lizzo, with Jameela Jamil also showing her love to the Juice singer and her no-fucks-given attitude, tweeting: ‘Lizzo‘s IG Live about being body shamed and how little it affects her and how happy and successful and grateful she is, is the best thing you will watch on the internet today.’ We couldn’t agree more, Jameela{