Miley Cyrus has recorded a tearful song about her dead Blowfish, Pablow (the one she got a tattoo of after he died), and it’s oddly moving.
Including lyrics like ‘Oh Pablow the Blowfish, if they only knew you like I do they’d love you, too’ and lamentations over the time she went to have sushi with her friends, ordered soup and rice yet still felt sad when she saw her pals eating fish: ‘Watching my friends eat my friends ruined my appetite.’ It’s incredibly touching.
Some of you may remember a few months ago my dear blow fish Pablow past away. I wrote this song for him...He made me so happy and I miss him everyday.... But now he is with Floyd and Melanie's sweet Sadie
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The only thing that throws us is the mimed sniffing and crying she does at the end of the recording – all of Miley’s Backyard Sessions are pre-recorded and sometimes they lose a little authenticity for doing so. That said, we love the overall message of the songs – she uploads them to Facebook to sell to her fans in order to make money for the Happie Hippie foundation, a charity that she set up to help LGBT and homeless youth.
How well will the Blowfish song do? We can’t imagine many people other than Miley’s most dedicated Smilers buying it, but it does remind us a tiny bit of Lady Gaga’s tribute to Alexander McQueen at the Brits 2010, which can’t bode too badly for it.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.