Having made her (kind of erratic at times) political views relatively well known over the years, you could say that Lindsay Lohan is no stranger to the world of current affairs.
We know she doesn’t like Sarah Palin from when she posted on her MySpace (c’mon, it was 2008, OK?) that ‘I really cannot bite my tongue anymore when it comes to Sarah Palin. I couldn't be more supportive of a woman in office, but let's face it, it comes down to the person, and their beliefs, male or female’ and calling her a ‘narrow minded, media obsessed homophone’.
Then there’s the time in 2012 when she backed Mitt Romney (a Republican) saying ‘I think unemployment is very important for now, so as of now I think (my vote) is Mitt Romney’ but then showing support for Obama a few weeks later by retweeting a tweet by Barack Obama which said ‘RT if you're #ProudOfObama as our commander in chief’, before she apparently deleted it.
And then there’s the time she said she’d run for president of the United States in 2020.
Last night, during what was arguably the UK’s most historic votes, the EU Referendum, she made her thoughts known as well by tweeting and instagramming as the votes rolled in. But, in what has been a lot of darkness since the result was anounced, they actually provide a tiny little bit of light.
Side note: Just as we were about to publish this story, we realised Lindsay has deleted her tweets, but here they still are.
She loves the Shetlands.
Confirmation that she hasn't been hacked, because we were all actually wondering that, weren't we?
Felt like we were getting to know her a bit more, y’know?
And then she went a bit rogue and pass agg.
But redeemed herself by getting a Mean Girls quote in there.
Thumbs up for Fife
That they are Lindsay, that they are.
And, to top it all off, a selfie of her to show her total support of #remain (which she has also deleted)

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.