This Is What Different Celebrities Were Like At School

Leo was not as cool as you might have thought. Sad times.

This Is What Different Celebrities Were Like At School

by Chemmie Squier |
Published on

What were you like at school? The goody two shoes? The trouble maker? The joker? Everyone’s got a school personality that they’ve probably left well behind now. Hopefully. And that includes celebrities.

Thanks to a new reddit thread we now know what some celebs were like at school so here are all the best ones from it, as well as another older thread that had some gems too.

1. John Travolta


My English teacher had John Travolta in his basketball team that he coached at the time, he said he was very annoying and he told him that he wouldn't make it anywhere in life.

2. Kanye West


My mom taught Kanye West's Music Theory class in high school. She said he insisted he would one day be a famous rapper, and that he was a decent student but sometimes a bit stubborn. Overall not that noticeable, although he did like free styling. He and some other students threw a little baby shower for my mom while she was pregnant with my sister, which is nice.

3. Bill Murray


Bill Murray went to my high school way before me but there is a story that I would like to believe is real, that he got the record for most amount of detentions (called jugs) for someone who graduated from the school and when a kid broke it years later he took him out to lunch.

4. Leonardo di Caprio


didn't get along well with the other kids, came in during lunch to eat with the teachers and faculty.

5. Kevin Richardson (of Backstreet Boys fame)


My high school drama teacher, taught Kevin of Backstreet Boys. She said she always thought he'd wind up famous. She talked about him all the time.

6. Prince


My grandmother was Prince's high school guidance counselor. Said he was a quiet and sweet kid, but that his mother was pretty weird.

7. Will Ferrell


My AP Econ teacher said her was in the same fraternity as Will Ferrell, and apparently whenever they had a party he would disappear for a few minutes and then start streaking. He also said that once a professor gave him a bad grade on a test that would have caused him to re-take the class so he started streaking until the professor changed the grade.

**8. Taylor Swift


Before my middle school vice principal was at my school, he was the principal of the middle school or elementary school Taylor Swift went to. She used to leave early for singing lessons. He didn't like this very much and once told her that singing would get her nowhere.

9. Benedict Cumberbatch


My drama teacher taught Benedict Cumberbatch A level theatre. He stands by his statement that Cumberbatch is an utter "twat”.

10. Boots the Monkey (incredibly niche and knows it)


Well the voice of Boots the Monkey from Dora the Explorer goes to high school with some of my friends. Apparently he's extremely awkward and he's also not exactly the type of person this question was about.

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Follow Chemmie on Twitter @chemsquier

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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