Kylie Jenner’s Got A New Dog And People Are Losing Their Shit

But it's just so damn CUTE...

Kylie Jenner's Got A New Dog And People Are Losing Their Shit

by Zoe Cassell |
Published on

Kylie Jenner's new pup made it's debut snapchat appearance on Monday, chewing on $400 Fendi handbag accessory. Erm okay.

Instead of getting pissed off at the puppy, like ANY NORMAL HUMAN BEING, Kylie looks on lovingly. Well she is Kylie Jenner - she probably wipes her arse with $400 Fendi pom poms.

Let's just take a few minutes to appreciate the adorable-ness. Just look at its little face...

As with any Kardashian/Jenner movement, people took to Twitter to fangirl over the little puppy (or just to vent about why can't they be Kylie).

Even big sis Kim has jumped on the bandwagon and posted this little snapchat of Kylie and the puppy.

We want one. Make that 20.

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Follow Zoe Cassell on Twitter @zocassell

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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