Kylie Jenner’s Photoshopped Instagram Caption Proves You Can’t Believe Everything On The Internet

Not even showbiz is immune from fake news.

kylie jenner

by Bonnie McLaren |
Updated on

On any given day, you can guarantee the Kardashians or the Jenners are going to be in the news. For Kylie Jenner, she's been making headlines for all the wrong reasons, as a screenshot of her labelling herself a 'brown skinned girl' on Instagram - supposedly in reference to the Beyonce song - has been circulated far and wide around the internet.

Obviously, if this was real, as Kylie is white, it would be cause for outrage - but the caption is doctored. In fact, her original caption was 'brown eyed girl'.

‘Saw online someone photoshopped this photo I posted to change my caption from “brown eyed girl” to “brown skinned girl”. I never said this,’ she posted on her Instagram stories, attaching an image of the fake screenshot.

Instagram / kyliejenner
©Instagram / kyliejenner

She also posted a screengrab of an Instagram comment from a fan that read: ‘I saw the photo as soon as it was posted and it said “brown eyed” why do people need to make drama out of everything and invent lies.[sic]’

It's easy to see how people could have thought the fake caption was real - Kylie has been called out for cultural appropriation in the past (and that could have been why the troll thought people would believe the image). But, as with so much fake news circulated - from fake Covid cures to fake videos following natural disasters - a quick Google/Instagram search will show you that someone, somewhere is trying to trick you. And as doctoring technology has become more mainstream - we're all able to add captions and do basic editing on images with apps on out phones - it's never been easier to trick people.

So, the next time you see a celebrity doing something 'cancellable' on the internet, maybe give it a double check before you call them out - as you could end up looking like the fool.

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