Kim Kardashian Has More Followers Than Countries Have People

Morocco. Australia. Just some of the places that Kim Kardashian blows out of the water in terms of instagram followers.

Kim Kardashian's Has More Insta-Followers Than Most Countries

by Stevie Martin |
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A whopping 50.2 million people now follow Kim Kardashian on Instagram – and she celebrated this by posting a pretty blurry picture of herself and Kanye. Who actually looks quite sweet, and is genuinely smiling, which is a nice sight to behold.

But more importantly, there are whole countries with a lower population than Kim Kardashian has followers. Yep, she has more followers than entire countries, including:


Congratulations Kim, you have blown Morocco and Canada out of the water.

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Follow Stevie on Twitter: @5tevieM

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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