Kim Kardashian: ‘Yes, It’s Weird Seeing Caitlyn’

Kim Kardashian: 'Yes, It's Weird Seeing Caitlyn'


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Kim Kardashian West has made her most candid comments yet on her feelings towards her stepfather, Bruce Jenner’s recent transition to Caitlyn. In a lengthy posting on her website, Kim has written a heartfelt essay about her own journey to accepting Bruce’s true identity. ‘Is it weird for me?’ she admitted. ‘Yes, this person has been my stepdad for half my life. But life is just about being happy – that’s the one common denominator that everyone can understand. If you aren’t able to be you, who can you be?’

Kim revealed that when she was 21 and living at home with her mother, Kris Jenner and Bruce, she accidentally stumbled across Bruce dressed as a woman, when her mother was out. ‘I came home from a friend’s house and walked into the garage and Bruce was there, dressed up as a woman. Heels, wig, makeup and all!,’ she revealed. ‘ I don’t remember specifically what he had on because I put my head down and ran into my bedroom.’

The 34-year-old went on to reveal how Bruce had asked her to keep it a secret, and the only other person she told was her sister Kourtney. The sisters did some research and thought their step father was a cross-dresser. Kim elucidates on how at the time she had heard rumours that Bruce liked to dress as a woman after overhearing conversations her father, Robert Kardashian had with friends.

'I thought my dad was jealous of my mom's new husband, that he was joking with his friends on the phone, but suddenly I knew it was all true,' Kim said. It wasn’t until Kim was 30 that Bruce sat down with her to talk about what she had witnessed and explained to her that he felt he was trapped in the wrong body. ‘I never really thought he would one day transition – that was never discussed.’ She went on to explain that it was after her mother and Bruce’s marriage broke down that the signs of Bruce’s transition happening were apparent. 'When I began seeing pictures of Bruce with his nails painted and those reports that he had his trachea shaved, I started to freak out,' she wrote. But she is happy for her. ‘This is such a huge weight off of my shoulders that Bruce can live his authentic self and become Caitlyn.’ She added, ‘I’m just so proud of Caitlyn, and our relationship is even stronger now. And, after all, she asks me for style and glam tips all the time. What’s more fun than that? LOL.’ Well quite!

Words: Emily Maddick

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