Kim Kardashian Buys Her Mobile Phones On eBay

She also has a rule about the numbers of selfies she posts


by Fiona Byrne |
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Kim Kardashian revealed a few things about herself when she took to the stage in California at Re/code’s Code Mobile event, where she discussed her social-media habits, as well as the enormous success of her game Hollywood.

Kim has an iPhone, but we’ve definitely seen her using BlackBerry on Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and it turns out she buys old phones on eBay. The reason? She loves emailing on BlackBerry and doesn’t feel it’s as fast to type on an iPhone, a complaint pretty much everyone had when they first made the switch from BB to iPhone.

Her preferred BlackBerry is the Bold, and she just buys a ton of them on eBay to stock up, so she will never go without one. ‘I have anxiety that I will run out, and that BlackBerry will go extinct… I'm on a mission to make that not happen.’

She’s not using that old Bold to take selfies, though, that’s for sure. Those are done with an iPhone. However, Kim has a rule about selfies: no more than three in a row. Sure her Instagram feed is mostly pictures of her, but she’s talking about actual selfies, when you’re holding the phone yourself, you know?

As for her crazy successful game, Hollywood, Kim says it’s done really well for her and has some new games in the works. But don’t expect Hollywood 2.0, she says the new apps are ‘a little bit different.’

BlackBerry should probably call Kim. The brand has really suffered due to the domination of Apple and Samsung and no doubt Kim could help make the company relevant again. Or she could just buy the company. Probably.

Picture: Getty

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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