You Have To Watch This Video Of Kermit The Frog Being Revealed On The Masked Singer US

So many questions.

kermit the frog masked singer us

by Bonnie McLaren |
Updated on

The Masked Singer is an absolutely wild programme, but the US version has really upped the stakes of chaotic television. As, in a reality TV first, it was revealed one of the masked singers was... a puppet. Yep, Kermit the Frog was The Snail. No, we're not joking - this totally happened on TV.

The unveiling happened on Wednesday night's premiere of the series - and, even though Kermit was sadly the first contestant to leave the show, the clip is pure joy. From the snail's top hat being removed, to the judges being confused when it looks like nobody is in there, to his little green hands appearing... And then the big reveal when everyone starts screaming. It really is hilarious. (And something I have had on repeat since I first watched it yesterday evening.)

Obviously, none of the judges correctly guessed who The Snail - singing Hall and Oates' You Make My Dreams (Come True) - was (because why would you think it was a puppet?!) Robin Thicke thought the frog was Seth MacFarlane, Jenny McCarthy thought it could be Ted Cruz, Nicole Scherzinger guessed Billy Crystal and Ken Jeong suggested Jay Leno.

Like many celebrities, Kermit just thought the offer of The Masked Singer was too good to pass up on. 'After years of being your average everyday talking frog, I thought it would be fun to be someone else,’ Kermit toldVariety in a statement, like the true celeb he is. 'The chance to become a snail—with my own built-in mobile home—was too good to pass up… I didn’t last on the show very long. But I loved every minute of it.’

To be honest, we'd just love to know how much Kermit was paid.

READ MORE::a[What You Need To Know About Season 2 Of The Masked Singer UK]{href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow noopener noreferrer'}

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