Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio have been the best of pals since their baby-faced Titanic days, proving themselves to be the ultimate definition of 'friendship goals'.
During award season they steal headlines when they pose together on the red carpet, and preceeding Leo's Oscar success earlier this year, Kate showed faith in her BFF saying, ‘I feel very strongly that it may be Leo’s year. And he is my closest friend in the world and I just couldn’t imagine not being there to support him.’
To celebrate one of Hollywood's sweetest and most enduring partnerships, here are Kate and Leo's greatest hits...
The Leo and Kate story starts around 18 years ago, when our faves met on the set of Titanic playing star crossed lovers Jack and Rose.

Sadly, their on-screen romance met a cold, watery end...

In fact, Kate appeared on Jimmy Kimmel earlier this week to finally confirm what we've long known to be true, saying 'I think he could have actually fit on that bit of door.' SOB.
Despite this, their real life friendship has managed to go the distance, and Kate says they still 'giggle' about that heart-breaking moment to this day. Glad to see someone's taking it lightly, guys.
Their first red carpet appearance together at the Golden Globes is the stuff that Nineties fashion dreams are made of. The choker! The brown lipstick!

They steal the show at every awards bash, just by being together. Just one Kate and Leo hug has the power to send the Internet into meltdown.
Remember this magical embrace that was just crying out for everyone to make the same **Titanic **gag?
And speaking of jokes, our duo always look like they’re sharing a really hilarious in-joke. You know, one where you really just had to BE there to get it…
There’s also that habit they have of gazing into each other’s eyes like they just really GET each other...

But according to the pair, the strength of their friendship is down to the fact that there's never been any romance. Ever. 'I think the reason that friendship works is because there was never any romantic thing,' Kate told Marie Claire in 2014. 'It's so disappointing for people to hear that, because in the soap opera of the Kate and Leo story we fell in love at first sight and had a million snogs, but actually we never did.' We're a little bit gutted, but cheered by the fact that award winning actress Kate Winslet still uses the word 'snog.'
They're such good pals that Leo walked Kate down the aisle at her secret wedding to Ned Rocknroll (yep, real name) in 2012.

We've neglected to mention the fact that Kate and Leo look totally glorious when they’re all dressed up on the red carpet together. Want proof? See every single moment of the Revolutionary Road promo tour.

Speaking of Revolutionary Road, it's an underrated classic that's just as gut-wrenchingly emotional as Titanic. You need to watch it, and not just for Kate and Leo in '60s period costume.

They’ve supported each other for nearly two decades. In an interview with Oprah, Leo said ‘In a lot of ways, Kate and I have really grown up in this industry together. We’ve been a support mechanism for each other for such a long period of time. We’ve been there for each other and helped guide each other.’
Kate is Leo’s ultimate cheerleader, and vice versa. We’re still recovering from when Leo told the world that Kate is his ‘favourite actress in the industry’ at the Golden Globes in January.
When one of our golden couple is lucky enough to bag an award, the other gets ridiculously excited...
And who can forget when Kate dedicated her 2009 Golden Globe win to Leo? We’re welling up just thinking about it.
In fact, this year Kate has been so caught up in Leo’s award season campaign that she’s forgotten about her own successes. She was so shocked at her Golden Globe win last month because ‘I’ve been so focused on Leo and him winning everything and being so excited for him.’ True friendship in its purest, most adorable form.