Think of Kate Moss and what pops to mind? Vogue covers? Her iconic Calvin Klein campaign? The infamous ‘CoKate’ headlines? Well, people, that was the old Kate Moss (or maybe Gen 1 if you’re an Apple fan). Enter Kate 2.0, the supermodel’s shiny new incarnation, which comes hand-in-hand with her making the move from one side of the agency desk to the other.
Still not got the foggiest what we’re banging on about? Here’s what’s going down.
**Kate’s launched her own agency **
The aptly-titled Kate Moss Agency came after Kate parted ways with her long-term management, Storm Models, in April. Obviously she represents herself, but other than that Kate told Business of Fashion: 'I want to focus more on managing people's careers than just [running] a model agency... I want people that want to sing and dance and act.' We can do approximately none of those things. Great.
**She’s signed her first models **

Of course, while Kate might have her long-term sights set on managing Beyoncé, it makes sense for her to start with what she knows: models! First on her books was 16-year-old Louis Baines, whom Kate took as her date to the launch of Coach House on London’s Regent Street on Thursday night, and we have to say she looked proud as punch. Louis already has a Topman campaign in the bag, while second signing Elfie Reigate was actually one of Kate’s bridesmaids at her wedding to Jamie Hince, as her mum (model Rosemary Ferguson) is a mate of her new boss. It’s not what you know… but Elfie definitely has the face to back up her connections.
She wants to help homeless youth
Kate is no stranger to charity, starring in Vivienne Westwood and Greenpeace’s Save The Artic campaign earlier this year, not to mention modelling Stella McCartney’s Breast Cancer Awareness lingerie line. However, rather than lending her face to her latest philanthropic venture, Mossy’s spoken out about youth homelessness. Speaking to The Independent, Kate said: 'It is disturbing to think that in 2016 young people are still forced to sleep rough. Centrepoint’s work is invaluable in helping the most vulnerable to put a roof over their head – somewhere they can feel safe and warm. It provides both physical and emotional support, teaching these young adults the life skills they need to live independently.'
She’s getting into Instagram
'Never complain, never explain' was famously Kate’s motto, learned from ex-boyfriend Johnny Depp, with the model avoiding interviews for most of her career and shying away from social media. However, now she’s promoting her own business and not someone else’s, Kate’s been getting right into Instagram on the @katemossagency feed. Sure, 99% of the posts have probably been done by someone else, but doesn't this 'glamtastic' photo just scream Moss to you?
So what’s next?
Kris Jenner, look out: Kate might have less kids than you, but surely it's only a matter of time before she starts managing daughter Lila Grace and takes over the world? Watch. This. Space.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.