Justin Timberlake Just Said The Sweetest Thing About Being A Dad

…And wife Jessica Biel is spreading the love, too.

Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake

by Rebecca Cox |
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Ever wondered what it’s like to have celebrity parents? Justin Timberlake wonders, too. On behalf of his son Silas Randall, 13 months, that is. The singer, who is preparing for his Eurovision performance, has opened up about his worries for his little boy’s future privacy.

Oh, and he said the cutest thing about changing nappies, too.

"He’s 13 months old right now, but you think about the next five years and the next five years after that, and you think about the fact that he just got here,” JT told The Today Show. “He hasn’t made any choices. He chooses eggs or bananas.

"You think a lot about the lives that me and my wife lead, but I wonder what privacy’s going to mean in 20 years. Those are the questions that enter my mind, for sure, but I think that’s something that you don’t have control over.

"The best thing I can do is to try every day to give your kid perspective so they understand what it means and what it doesn’t mean."

He went on to talk about fatherhood:

"Oh, you look at everything differently now! Yes, having a little man in the house now changes everything! When I used to clean up my dog’s poop, it was like it was a science project; I wouldn’t get very close to it. When you have a kid, and there’s poop, you gotta get in there! Nothing trumps your kid’s butt cleanliness. So you just have to get in there!"

Not wanting to miss out on the parental gushing, Jessica Biel got involved, too:

"He's wonderful. He's just a joy. It's an amazing, amazing experience. [It's] incredibly hard, the hardest job in the world and I've never been more thankful and grateful to my own mother. Oh, my gosh I'm going to call her right after this actually and just thank her. What you have to do for your kid - it's an amazing responsibility and the biggest joy ever."

Aw, you guys.

READ MORE: Ryan Gosling Said The Cutest Thing About His Daughters

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