Justin Bieber vs One Direction In Album Sales: Who Won?

The results are in, and the UK fared very differently to the US

Justin Bieber vs One Direction In Album Sales: Who Won?

by Stevie Martin |
Published on

While One Direction might have beaten the Biebs at the American Music Awards over the weekend, scooping the Best Artist award, the big test is who takes the No.1 spot in the album chart. Because, let's be honest, it's all about the music.

Telling, then, that in the battle between Directioners and Beliebers, the Beliebers came out top in the US and second in the UK. Yep, Justin Bieber's Purpose took the top spot on the American album chart after both his and One Direction's record *Made In The A.M. *got released at the same time, giving him his sixth No. 1 album and his fifth No.1 debut.

One Direction, who came in at No.2 over there, sold 459,000 units (402,000 in pure album sales) in the US, but Directioners will definitely be rejoicing as they got the lads to the top spot over here in the UK; the band sold 93,000 sales over Bieber’s 90,000.

What does this mean? Well, that the power of One Direction is unrivalled on their home turf. Not even the Beliebers can stop them.

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Follow Stevie on Twitter: @5tevieM

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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