Hopefully, you took advantage of this weekend's nice weather. Hopefully, Friday to Sunday for you was one big blur of prosecco, friends and sun. That's how to properly adult your way through a summer weekend.
If that was what happened, then you're probably confused as to why you woke up today and found out everyone hated Justin Bieber. Last time you checked, it was Taylor Swift weren't supposed to like. Well, luckily for you, I kept an eye on what Biebs, the little bugger, did with himself this weekend and so, without further ado, here's is you easy-to-read, simple-as-pie guide to why he is now the new public enemy number one.
On Saturday, Justin Bieber, the guy who has this year also been linked with Hailey Baldwin and Sahara Ray, posted a series of pictures with Sofia Richie, the 17-year-old sister of Nicole Richie who you remeber well from The Simple Life with Paris Hilton.
Sofia and Justin are in Japan together. There was a lot of pictures of them posing in the back of a cab together. Justin wore a very silly pair of sunglasses and Sofia did that annoying pose that teenagers do when they cup their mouth with their well-manicured nails.

Bieber fans weren't happy about this new unholy union. For whatever reason, they took umbridge with Sofia and posted the snake emoji all over his Insta. And hers. She's now had comments disabled on her account.
THEN what happened was this: Justin biteth the hand that dost feed him. He posted a threat to his fans on Instagram that he would make his account private. 'The hate this is getting out of hand, if you guys are really fans you wouldn't be so mean to people that I like.' He said. To me, Bieber making his account private sounds like when you were naughty at school and to punish you they'd suspend you and send you home from school. It's like, that's what I was aiming for the whole time?
Then all of Belieber-dom was like this:
See, Beliebers are a loyal bunch. I literally found a girl's comment earlier that said if Justin Bieber didn't follow her back, someone's mum would die. They take their fandom seriously. In their eyes, Justin was now selling them out for some girl he'd only just met. User Psychocean summed up what seemed to be the general consessus amongst the Beliebers:
'You just met her days ago. DAYS. We were here since the beginning when ppl hated on you, when they called you gay, when you peed in a bucket when you made all the headlines, when you were in jail fucking jail, we were still here! So what you met a new bitch like 5 days again and now what? Who gives a shit about us? Like wtf man no you don't do shit like that. You don't let people down like that.'
**Then, as is the custom now, #RIPBeliebers and #Justinbieberisoverparty began to trend on Twitter.
But wait. It didn't stop there (see how much fun teens can have on social media?). Selena Gomez, ex-girlfriend to Justin and probably the girl whose fans were posting the snake emoji in response to Sofia, chimed in.
'If you can't handle the hate then stop posting pictures of your girlfriend lol - it should be special between you two only. Don't be mad at your fans. They love you. They were there for you before anyone.' She said.
Justin threw his toys out of the pram and insinuated that Selena only used him to get famous (sigh): 'It's funny to see people that used me for attention and still try to point the finger this way. Sad. All love.'
So Selena decided to end a several-year long mystery and announce that Justin cheated on her when they were together. Multiple times.
'Funny how the ones that cheated multiple times, are pointing the finger at the ones that were forgiving and supportive, no wonder fans are mad. Sad. All love.'
Then she posted this.

Pretty sure she's won this round. RIP Beliebers.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.