Johnny Depp Amber Heard Dog Court Case Adjourned

If you haven’t been following the War On Terrier – here’s an update

Johnny Depp Amber Heard Dog Court Case Adjourned

by Stevie Martin |
Published on

If you haven’t been following Depp Dog Gate (which actually involves his wife Amber Heard as opposed to the man himself), Amber brought his two dogs to Australia on his private jet, violating the country’s quarantine laws.

Because of this, she faces either a 10-year jail sentence or an incredibly hefty fine for illegally importing the animals, after the dogs – Pistol and Boo – were discovered having a great time in their Gold Coast mansion. An illegally great time.

What followed was a heated disagreement with Australia’s Agricultural Minister Barnaby Joyce (dubbed by Twitter as the ‘War On Terrier – like war on terror, get it?), with Johnny Depp – who doesn’t actually face any charges, as he didn’t have anything to do with the restriction flouting – saying at a press conference, ‘I killed my dogs and ate them under direct orders from some kind of, I don’t know, sweaty, big-gutted man from Australia.’

Latest news is that the court has adjourned until 2 November – so that’s when Amber will find out if she gets jail time, a fine, or let off.

Thing is, everyone should be equal in terms of the law, and if you apply the logic that Amber Heard shouldn’t get a big fine for this, then celebrities are above punishment. Can you imagine a world where people get paltry community service for possession of hard drugs, or DUIs, beating up their girlfriend, or... oh wait. Check out the entire of TMZ for more details on the countless lists of celebs who get away with stuff because they’re celebs. However, this is slightly different because it concerns two dogs who she didn’t want to put in confinement. I mean, sometimes you’ve got to pick your battles and this probably isn’t the best way to make an example of someone. They’re dogs. Nobody’s attacked anyone. Yes, it’s important to protect one’s country from disease and infection, but it hasn’t sparked off an epidemic so maybe focus on other stuff?

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Follow Stevie on Twitter: @5tevieM

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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