Take A Sneak Peek Inside Jessica Alba’s Office Drawer…


by Danielle Fowler |
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We all love a little snoop - be it via Facebook or LinkedIn, we’re all guilty of knowing who your colleague’s sister’s mum is and can recall our boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend’s Tenerife ’08 holiday like we were actually there…

So imagine how thrilled we were to hear that Jessica Alba has let fans peep inside her office drawers. The actress and entrepreneur, revealed the secret must-haves she has tucked away at the LA-based headquarters of her beauty empire, The Honest Company exclusively to Mode.com.

Most celebrities would scarper at the very thought of us delving into their private life (after all, desk drawers can hold a multitude of sins) but Jessica was happy to share her secret and frankly desirable desk essentials.

And Jessica is a girl after our own hearts with rose-gold eyelash curlers, face mists and chocolate aplenty (albeit it’s gluten and dairy free) but still.

And so it got us thinking what we have in our office drawers here at Grazia HQ (minus the abundance of Maryland cookies).

Be it impromptu date nights or after-work drinks, our drawers are stuffed with everything from Wasabi peas (one member of our team is obsessed) to a print out of John Boyega’s face (another is a major fan-girl).

And with that, here's a sneak peek in Grazia’s office drawers…

Sam Freedman, Grazia's Associate Beauty Editor

  • Chia shots to add into salad and smoothies

  • Neals yard anti-bac hand sanitiser (it smells amazing)

  • Chanel hand cream

  • Givenchy lip balm lipstick that matches the pH levels in your lips

  • Kate Spade gold pens

  • Every size of Smythson notebooks for every size of handbag I have...

Hannah Wilson, Grazia's Designer

  • Mascara & lipgloss (for last minute pub trips)

  • Napkins (messy eater)

  • Biscuits (from yesterday's biscuit hamper, always good to stock up)

  • Headphones

  • Straighteners (see pub trip reason above)

  • Spare top

Edwina Langley, Grazia's Freelance Writer

  • A pair of going out shoes

  • WASABI PEAS #obsessed

  • Hair straighteners

  • Phone charger

  • Random snack I got sent the other day that I might eat– one afternoon– if I get really hungry...

Katie Rosseinsky, Grazia's Digital Writer…

  • Currently home to an Aladdin mug

  • An inexplicable amount of Tangle Teezers

  • An Elemis hand cream (finally, something vaguely aspirational)

  • A printed out picture of John Boyega which I REGULARLY confuse with our hard copy of the Grazia digital targets #BLESSED

Freddie Palmer, Grazia's Social Content Manager

  • GHD straighteners

  • Painkillers

  • Diary

  • Hairbrush

  • Lots of notes from meetings

  • Fake Tan

  • Blue Mascara (WTF)

  • Popcorn

  • Liquorice

  • Ikea’s Lingonberry Juice Drink...

Random I know– don’t judge me!

You can watch Jessica Alba reveal more of what's in her desk drawers below:

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