Another day, another piece of Jennifer Lawrence news that proves she's not only genuinely a nice girl – but that she's the most beloved star of the internet: this time, the Oscar-winning actress invited a homeless person to eat with her and her mum.
Apparently Jennifer was on her way for steak at an Argentinian grill in LA when she spotted a homeless woman on the street and said: 'Honey, are you hungry? Do you want to come and eat with us?'
Some guy walking past overheard the conversation and reported that the restaurant owners wouldn’t allow the woman inside to eat, to which Jennifer told him in no uncertain terms to bugger off. 'Why don’t you mind your own business?' she apparently bawled at him.
Still, the homeless woman said she didn’t want to leave her cart of possessions so Jennifer reportedly gave her 20 bucks with the words: 'Well, you eat when you’re ready then.'
Now, of course Jennifer's reaction shouldn't exactly be cause for canonisation but it's another piece of the jigsaw that's fast becoming 'Jennifer Lawrence is the nicest actress out there.' Give that girl the US equivalent of an OBE or something. Or at least an award for realness.
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.