James Franco might be a man of many trades, a man with his finger in many pies, you might say, but one place he has never ventured is where most hot-blooded and males (and females, might we add) would dream of spending a night: in bed with Lindsay Lohan.
The actor-writer-director-poet-academic-artist has written about Lindsay – he has a new book of poems and some are about celebrities and one is about Lindsay while she lived at the Chateau Marmont hotel – but he says that he never schtupped her.
So he’s a bit put out that he was included in Li-Lo’s alleged sex list. ‘I didn't write anything bad about [the celebrities]. And Lindsay herself has told lies about me with her people-she's-slept-with list!’ he told Los Angeles Magazine.* *‘So I feel like what I said is much less than what she’s said.’
Which in turn is quite a lot more than she’s said, because he’s basically implying that to sleep with Lindsay is to do a bad thing – we haven't seen any of the other men on the list complain like this.
Oh, and on that tack, the list, allegedly written by Lindsay when she was with mates at the Beverly Hilton hotel either this year or last year (reports are varied), probably wasn’t even written by her at all, as our investigations show.
The really important question here isn’t ‘Did they or didn’t they?’ – neither party have officially confirmed that they have – the question is, ‘When do we get a read of James's poems?’ We loved his tribute to Obama.
Follow Sophie on Twitter @sophwilkinson
Picture: Getty
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.