We don't blame him. We mean, we totally have a crush on her too – Jennifer Aniston that is. So when Jake Gyllenhaal confessed he's liked her 'for years', we – and countless others – totally got it.
It all came about because of an interview with PEOPLE. Jake was asked to comment on a number of actors – from his sister Maggie to Dustin Hoffman – which he duly did, but when interviewer Jess Cagle asked about Jennifer Aniston – his co-star in The Good Girl – he sort of got a bit tongue-tied.
Initally though, he scrunched up his face and said, 'She's umm, she's a rough one. Not likeable. So hard to compliment.'
(That was a joke people!)
But then he went on to say: 'I will say, have had, had a crush on her for years and working with her was not easy, you know. She was, it was, err, I was, umm, I ah, yeah, that's all I'm going to say. It was, err, it was lovely. I-I-I, you know, it wasn't hard.'
When pushed further and asked if TV sitcom Friends was where his affection was born, he replied: 'Not so much Friends but, like, kind of just her personality from afar and movies that she was in. And then some of Friends but not, like, a huge Friends fan. But just who she is.'
Too TOO cute!
Although p.s 'not a huge Friends fan'? Jake, we're having words.