Jada Pinkett-Smith Hits Out At People Sexualising Daughter Willow’s Instagram Shoot

She insistes it is us projecting our ideas She insists the photo of Willow with a 20-year-old topless man is harmles...


by Sophie Wilkinson |
Published on

There was a bit of a stir on Instagram the other day, when Moises Arias (him out of Hannah Montana and the brilliant *The Kings Of Summer) *posted a photo of himself topless, next to Willow Smith, lying down on a sort of Ottoman thing.

He is 20, and Willow is 13, and her outfit looked like a bunch of sheets around her, and it basically seemed as though they were in bed together. Moises must have known the controversy the photo was going to cause, as he deleted it soon after posting it.

That hasn't stopped screengrabs of it doing the rounds, though, with a lot of comment to accompany it – along the lines of WTF is Willow Smith doing 'in bed' with a 20-year-old man? However, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Willow's mum, has leapt to her daughter's defence.

Just as she did when people criticised Willow for having a shaved head, she's explained that it's our problem, not Jada's, not Moises's and certainly not Willow's.

Speaking to TMZ as their camera crew followed her through LAX, Jada said: 'Here's the deal. There was nothing sexual about that picture or that situation. You guys are projecting your trash onto it. You're acting like covert paedophiles and that's not cool.'

No word from Moises yet, however. We guess he's lying low after taking a bit of mud-slinging on Instagram from some sweary, vitriolic fans. And maybe he feels like he shouldn't have to explain himself? Either way, we're guessing any topless hangout times with Willow – as platonic as they are – might be kept schtum from now on.

Follow Sophie on Twitter @sophwilkinson

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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