J-Law and Benedict Cumberbatch Are The ‘Most Reblogged’ People on Tumblr In 2014: Here Are Our Favourite Gifs

J-Law And Benedict Cumberbatch Top GIFs


by Emma Gannon |
Published on

As part of Tumblr’s year in review, the platform announced the most ‘reblogged’ celebs (actors and actresses specifically) of the year.

It came as no real surprise that the most obsessive reblogging was that of Jennifer Lawrence and Beneditch Cumberbatches (those ‘Cumberbitches’ are very digitally dedicated) which Emma Watson and Tom Hiddleston coming a close second.

To celebrate this ‘digital demi-gods’ reaching to the top spot, we've round up our top 10 favourite GIFs of each of them:

1. That Time Jack Nicholson Snuck Up On J-Law

2. That Time Sherlock Fans Made Another Weird Fan-GIf

3. That Time J-Law Lost Her Shit Again In An Interview

4. That Time Benedict Cumberbatch Forgot What Film He Was Promoting

5. That Time J-Law Won An Oscar And Totally Stacked It

6. That Time Benedict Turned Into Bruce Willis For A Few Seconds

7. That Time J-Law Needed Pizza Immediately

8. That Time Benedict Winked And We All Died

9. That Time J-Law Was Happy It Was Nearly The Weekend

**10. That Time Benedict Got Weirded Out His Own Side-Burns **

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Follow Emma on Twitter @girllostincity

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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