Ireland Baldwin’s Uncle And Dad Commenting On Her Nude Photo Is Just Not Okay

This is only #awkward for Uncle Billy...

ireland baldwin

by Bonnie McLaren |
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Ireland Baldwin, the model, decided to show off her bum on Instagram earlier this week. And she looked amazing. But, in amongst all the comments of love, were two comments that we really wish we didn’t see. FromAlec, her dad. And Billy, her uncle. (Like, we really wish they didn’t share their thoughts tbh.)

‘I’m sorry. What?’ her dad needlessly commented. But that was nowhere near as creepy as her uncle’s response, who said, ‘Tough one for Uncle Billy to ‘like.’ #awkward.’ (Complete with a heart emoji.)

There are embarrassing family members who leave gushing comments under your every social move - but then there’s this, male family members leaving - quite frankly - weird comments.

It isn’t the first time Alec has done it either, last year, Ireland struck straddled a motorcycle in a black bikini. ‘Stay extra,’ she captioned the photo. Her father noticed the photo and was quick to weigh in, writing, ‘No. Just…no.’

Anyone who has experienced an older men comment about their body on a photo will be able to relate to the horror. Once, an older, former male colleague took to one of my Facebook photos, where a tiny bit of cleavage was out, to write, ‘Put some clothes on. What would your father say?’

Truth be told, unlike the Baldwins, because my dad isn’t weird, he wouldn’t actually care. Really, men need to think before they comment on a woman’s body on Instagram (for the world to see) - especially if they’re related.

READ MORE: Is Instagram Commodifying Our Happiness?

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