Brad Pitt Speaks Out About Defending Gwyneth Paltrow Against Harvey Weinstein

It comes after Gwyneth was credited as playing a crucial role in the Weinstein allegations

brad pitt

by Bonnie McLaren |
Updated on

Brad Pitt has spoken about confronting Harvey Weinstein for allegedly sexually harassing his then-girlfriend Gwyneth Paltrow when she was 22. 'At that moment, I was just a boy from the Ozarks on the playground and that’s how we confronted things,' he said in a new interview with People.

He added, 'I think the interesting thing is that we, Hollywood specifically, but the workplace – men and women’s dynamics – is being re-calibrated in a very good way that is long overdue. And I do think that’s an important story to tell.'

Brad's quotes come after it was revealed Gwyneth{ =nofollow}played a ‘crucial’ role in bringing down Harvey Weinstein in a new book about the Weinstein allegations, She Said: Breaking The Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite A Movement, written by Jodi Kantor and Meghan Twohey, the two journalists who broke the Harvey Weinstein story in The New York Times.

According to the book, Paltrow didn’t originally want to go on the record, but she ‘decided that she would use her Hollywood network to help Jodi identify and enlist other Weinstein victims so the women could share the burden of speaking up together.’

Kantor - alongside Twohey - told ABC’s Today show yesterday, ‘She [Paltrow] did play a much more active role than anybody’s ever known. But it was hair-raising for her, because Harvey Weinstein had been such an important influence.’

The women also told how the actress rang the journalists, as she hid in her bathroom when Weinstein turned up early at her house for a party she was hosting.

Twohey added, ‘Gwyneth Paltrow was one of Harvey’s biggest stars, he’d presented himself as a godfather to her. So many people will be surprised to discover that when so many other actresses were scared to tell the truth about what they’d experienced at his hands, Gwyneth was one of the first people to get on the phone and she was determined to help this investigation.’

The fact that Gwyneth was speaking out was worrying to Weinstein, Twohey said: ‘Harvey Weinstein was extremely aware and extremely scared about what the implications would be if his biggest star went on the record.’

After the story had broken, giving rise to the #MeToo movement, Paltrow's involvement continued. The book's epilogue details how some of the women who had accused Weinstein – including Ashley Judd and former Weinstein assistant Laura Madden – met in Paltrow’s home at the beginning of 2019 to discuss the aftermath of speaking out. Harvey Weinstein still denies all allegations of nonconsensual sex.

READ MORE: New Details Emerge In The Just-Published Book By The Women Who Broke The Harvey Weinstein Scandal

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