When it comes to ficitonalised teenage nobility, *Game of Thrones’*s Sansa Stark is hardly the most reliable of characters out there. She’s not exacly beaming princess material. Though, she says she can’t lie, she manages to worm her way around situations and, basically, without giving too much away – because we'd hate to spoil the series before you've caught up with it – she betrays a lot of people close to her.
When our sister site *GoThinkBig.co.uk *asked her for some career advice on the red carpet of the Jameson Empire Awards, Sophie, who had earlier told a tabloid journalist that she probably wouldn’t have a job without Game of Thrones, humbly admitted, ‘You learn so much watching [other actors], I guess I learned naturalism through Game of Thrones, because I guess I was really bad before it started, I guess I’m OK-ish now.’
She then added, ‘Be very natural, and when you go into auditions be very bubbly because Americans love it.’
Then, pointing a finger to get her point across, she continued, ‘And make false promises, and they’ll believe it. I told them I wasn’t gonna grow when I was 13. They were like, “You’re really tall, are you gonna grow?” and I was like “No?!”’
Which probably explains why, between each season, she shoots up a few inches. We then asked her if that’s how she got the role – because she proved herself to be a liar, and she said, very slyly, ‘I guess it works for my character, I was perfect because I lied.’
We saw her later on being quite vocally confused about where the hell the exit of the Marriott Grosvenor House hotel was, saying exactly what was going through our minds. Later on at the after-party at Quaglino’s, about half a bottle of wine and six whiskeys down, we handed her a business card and told her to read The Debrief. If you’re reading, Sophie, then hiya!
Follow Sophie on Twitter @sophwilkinson
Picture: Rex
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.