Fans In China Have Been Stopped From Taking Out ‘Break Up’ Insurance On Hiddleswift

Chinese fans can no longer get a pay out from correctly guessing when Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston will break up

Fans In China Have Been Stopped From Taking Out 'Break Up' Insurance On #Swiddleton

by Sarah Sinclair |
Published on

Lol – even China thinks #swiddleton is a sham

Online stores in China who have been offering ‘breakup insurance’ for the huge amount of Chinese followers of Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift’s whirlwind, press hounded romance are now having to withdraw their products because of legal concerns.

The ‘breakup insurance’ involves fans paying up to 300 yuan (£34) to predict if the relationship will end within a certain time-frame, and they will receive double or even triple the sum if they end up being spot on.

Online threads have suggested those paying into the insurance were female fans of Tom Hiddleston, who is popular in China, we may be feeling they are having a little bit of jealousy over here guys.

They’ve been offering the insurance on China’s leading e-commerce site Taobao since their relationship became headline news last week.

But in that short time retailers have removed it, a Taobao official told the Legal Mirror.

It is said to have been breaking Chinese laws which prohibit individuals from selling insurance. It may have also infringed betting laws because gambling is prohibited in China unless it is organised by state welfare or the official Sports Lottery.

The Taobao official also stated ‘our platform is paying close attention to ensure imaginative ideas are not being improperly presented by sellers in order to prevent our customers right and interests form being harmed.’

It has not been made clear if anyone who took out #swiddleton’s breakup insurance has actually received any pay outs.

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Follow Sarah on Twitter @sinclair_writes

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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