Sarah Hyland Reminds Twitter Troll That Access To The Contraceptive Pill Isn’t About Sex

Sarah Hyland takes to Twitter to explain that birth control's much more than a means of preventing pregnancy

Sarah Hyland Has Some Smart Things To Say About Birth Control

by Millie Hurst |
Published on

Whether she’s tackling the subject of female body image or knocking Vice President, Mike Pence for touching NASA equipment clearly marked ‘do not touch’, Modern Family star, Sarah Hyland (26) has always been one of the more outspoken members of the Twittersphere.

So it comes as no surprise that when a Twitter troll showed up on her feed supporting Donald Trump’s recent stripping of affordable birth control protections on Friday, she had something to say.

On Friday, she tweeted her frustration that amid the recent loss of lives due to shootings and natural disasters, Trump has chosen to focus on allowing employers to refuse to cover contraception in their insurance:

In response to the tweet that has now been deleted, Hyland expressed the important point that birth control is used to treat a whole range of female health issues that go far beyond unwanted pregnancies – in some instances it’s essential for helping women control endometriosis, abnormal or irregular periods, chronic pain during periods, and a whole range of medical conditions that relate to the functions performed by our reproductive parts. Oh yes, and it stops us getting pregnant.

WATCH THIS: What Happens When You Come Off The Pill

Up until recently, employers in the US have provided no-cost birth control for women, thanks to the Obamacare requirement that they include birth control coverage in their health insurance plans.

But Trump’s administration will now allow employers to refuse to cover contraception if they have religious or moral objections. Causing low-income women to face the decision of whether to pay for an IUD or to make sure there’s food on the table, it's going to hit the poorer female members of society the hardest, and fundamentally it comes from the idea that birth control promotes ‘risky sexual behaviour’.

I think Rachel Green speaks on behalf of all of us on the topic:

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Follow Millie on Twitter: @milliehurst_

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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