‘I Don’t Believe In Bro Code’. MIC’s Stevie Goes Sober For October And Tells All About NYC

Ahead of tonight’s finale (sob) we speak to the man of the season


by Daisy Buchanan |
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The Made In Chelsea crew are no stranger to a pardy, so we’re extra impressed that Stevie ‘Stefan’ Johnson is taking part in Go Sober For October in order to raise money for Macmillan Cancer support. Stevie’s mum will be joining him, but he reckons that his castmate Spencer Matthews might not be able to manage it. We talked to Stevie about the challenge, being part of the biggest love triangle in Manhattan and what it’s like to spend a whole month in New York with Mark Francis…

The Debrief: How are you feeling about Sober October? Are you nervous?

Stevie: Definitely! I think it’s going to be hard, but I’m really looking forward to it. I’m not as bad as I was, but I’ve always been a bit of a party animal, and I think you’re less likely to do stupid things when you’re off the booze! A whole month without hangovers will be pretty sweet, too. My mum is joining in as well. She’s going away for a month with my Dad, and I didn’t want her to miss out, but I think she’s so pleased that I’m doing it, because she wants to support me. I’ve spoken to Andy [Jordan] about it as well, and he seems quite keen. Proudlock is still suffering after New York, so he might give it a go, too…

And what about Mr Matthews?

Ha! I think there would definitely be upsides to Spencer doing it, but I can’t see him going for it.

So, tell us about Stephanie! We’re all still reeling from seeing her on screen…

That scene where we’re both in the bar – that’s the first time I’ve ever done anything on Made In Chelsea where I’ve been totally oblivious to everything going on. It was so emotional. Stephanie and I didn’t talk to each other at all for a whole month after she left, it was a bit too painful for both of us. We’d only just got back in touch, so we were keeping things fairly light, but when we saw each other for the first time the emotions came rushing out.

Leaving you at the centre of a fairly dramatic love triangle!

I really, really like Billie – I loved getting to know her and spending time with her. But Stephanie still had a hold on me, and I clearly wasn’t completely over her. But I didn’t know that until I saw her.

READ MORE: MIC NYC 5: Stephanie Tugs At Stevie’s Heart, Mark Francis Teaches Binky Art And Alik’s Beach House Is Smart

Still, ‘Stefan’ did pretty well in New York!

It was nice to go out there and be on an equal footing with the rest of the guys when it came to meeting girls. In London, I think Spencer sometimes feels that he ought to be the main man, so it was great to go out in a city where no-one had any preconceptions about you. Stefan is staying in New York, but hopefully I’m bringing some of his confidence back with me! Living with Proudlock really helped. He’s such an awesome guy. He’s really confident, but he doesn’t need to show off or convince anyone of how cool he is – he’s a little bit older than the rest of us, and I think that helps! Proudlock gave me so much support, and we still speak every day. A bromance has blossomed!

That’s lovely, because it’s not been the best series for man friendships, with all the Alex/Biscuits stuff…

To be honest, I don’t believe in bro code. I think it’s really important to stay loyal to your friends, but gender shouldn’t be a factor, and if someone has behaved really badly, you don’t need to have their back. Lucy is one of the most loyal people I know. She’s very guarded, but when she got to know and trust me, she really opened up. Once she knows she can trust you, she’s there. She’s very sincere.

We’re very jealous that you spent a month with Mark Francis! What was your favourite Mark moment?

There were so many! I loved his comments on Rosie’s date with Jules, when he said ‘not even a three year old’ would want to go out for cookies! And when he said that going to the diner with Rosie and Binky was like taking his daughters to the zoo. He’s got a really lovely relationship with Binky, he has so much time for her and it’s great to see them together.

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Finally – Stefan might have retired, but what’s next for Stevie?

Well, I haven’t done any rapping since I got back! We’re already filming the new series, which is keeping us all very busy. One day I’d like to be at the other end of the camera and write for TV! When we were away I got to see a lot of US talk shows – Conan, Jimmy Fallon – and I think it’s crazy that we don’t do that over here. I’d love to work on something similar.

Stevie Johnson is taking part in Macmillan Cancer Support’s Go Sober fundraising challenge, being sponsored to give up alcohol for the month of October to raise money for people affected by cancer. To sign up for Go Sober visit gosober.org.uk.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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