Following reports that her ex-Disney coworker and current BFF Selena Gomez checked into rehab earlier this year, Demi, who has suffered from an eating disorder and battled with substance abuse, has responded with a message of big love: 'I've know her for 14 years and we've been best friends. That's all of her business, andI just want to let her do her thing. And yeah, she's amazing. I love her.'
Speaking with E! News she was also probed about the open letter she tweeted after The Hunger Games actor Philip Seymour Hoffman died after a suspected heroin overdose. She explained that she doesn't like the misconceptions of drug addicts: 'It's just important to me, for people to see that it's not, when you're a drug addict, that it's your fault,' she said. 'It's not even a conscious decision. When you're in your disease, you do things impulsively. You don't think forward. When you're a drug addict, you are in pain and this is the only way you know how to medicate it.'
Which is basically everything Russell Brand's been trying to say, just in normal-person speak.
Demi added: 'That open letter was basically me saying have compassion for the people that die of this disease. People need to look at this as a disease that it is. It's a mental illness. But don't blame Philip Seymour Hoffman for taking so much, or whatever it was. It's a really hard thing to control and I definitely don't think it was his fault.'
Sounds like Demi's got her head screwed on.
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Picture: Corbis
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.