It seems Cynthia Nixon may be preparing for her biggest role yet, as Governor of New York. Rumours about the actress and activist running for the role have been circulating for the last year but new reports suggest that Nixon is very serious about the position. The Sex And The City star is currently preparing her team and campaign to the challenge current governor Andrew Cuomo in the Democratic primary this September.
CNN reported that Nixon has hired Rebecca Katz and Bill Hyers, who both worked on the campaign for Bill de Blasio campaign, the current Mayor of New York.
‘Many concerned New Yorkers have been encouraging Cynthia to run for office, and as she has said previously, she will continue to explore it. If and when such a decision is made, Cynthia will be sure to make her plans public,’ Nixon’s publicist told CNN.
Nixon has neither confirmed nor denied the rumours. When questioned about her potential new job back in August on the Today show she remained quiet on the topic. ‘I have heard those rumors. I've heard them. I've read them,’ Nixon said.
‘In 2018, we don't just need to elect more Democrats, we also need better Democrats,’ Nixon commented during a Human Rights Campaign Greater New York gala last February.
An outspoken advocate on political issues, in particular education policy, Nixon has played an active role in New York politics since 2014 when she was placed on advisory board for the Mayor’s Fund To Advance New York City.
If she’s successful Nixon would be New York’s first female and openly gay governor.
10 lessons we learned from Sex And The City
The top 10 lessons we learned from watching Sex And The City

1. NEVER send a man to do a BFF's job
To this day, fans cannot believe that Carrie sent her then-boyfriend Aidan Shaw to help best pal Miranda after she had an accident (while naked, bar a towel) in the bathroom. Thankfully, Aidan was an absolute sweetheart in this particular situation. It was one of Carrie's least cool moments, but it taught everyone not to send a boyfriend on a best friend's errand - no matter how busy you are.

2. Love yo'self more
It looked like sizzling hot Smith Jerrod was the 'the one' for Samantha, but then we all remembered that Samantha Jones was NEVER going to settle down. She followed her wild heart and broke things off with Smith, proving that sometimes you just need to listen to your gut and look after yourself #YouDoYouHun

3. Love can come in unexpected forms
Charlotte didn't understand her attraction to her divorce lawyer, Harry Goldenblatt. He was the complete opposite of everything she usually went for, which probably made him the PERFECT man (take note, Katie Price). In the end, she realised what an absolute hun he was and married him and his hairy back.

4. Fall, then get back up
Is there anything more mortifying than the moment when Heidi Klum steps over Carrie after she's toppled over on the catwalk? We think not. But Carrie just got straight back up, got out there and did her thing to the sound of Cheryl Lynn's Got To Be Real. Take inspiration, ladies.

5. Working mums are superheroes
Miranda Hobbes BOSSED it as a single mum to Brady and full-time lawyer (admittedly, she was in the privileged position of earning the big bucks and having lovely Steve Brady in her life). Not only did Miranda do two jobs, but in her role as a lawyer she constantly - and successfully - battled against men trying to belittle her. Go Miranda!

6. Don't be single shamed
One thing the show did REALLY well was address the issues single people over 30 faced (and still do) in modern society. Remember the time when Carrie left a voicemail to her friend, who had single shamed her, inviting her to the wedding that Carrie was having with herself?

7. Just be more Samantha in general, really
Samantha literally could not give a flying fig about what other people think about her straight-talking attitude and desire to have LOTS of sex. In times of self-doubt, just ask yourself 'WWSJD?' (that's What Would Samantha Jones Do?).

The original 'ghosting' took place when Jack Berger left Carrie a Post-It with the message: "I'm sorry, I can't, Don't hate me." Eugh, Burger (who also couldn't handle Carrie's success) was the WORST. Let's just all agree never to do this to anybody, ever.

9. Trust that your friends won't judge
When Carrie revealed to Samantha that she was continuing an affair with Big, she asked: "Don't you want to judge me, just a little bit?". Samantha gave the CLASSIEST reply: "Not my style." If Samantha doesn't judge, neither do we.

10. Friends are our greatest loves
When Miranda had to walk her mother's funeral procession on her own, Carrie ran up, took her hand and gave her the support she needed. It's a poignant (and totes emotional) reminder that good friends will always be there in times of need.

11. BONUS LESSON: Enjoy cosmopolitans
Responsibly, of course. It was the cocktail of choice for this fab four and remains our go-to tipple when meeting up with the girls. Cheers to SATC, and everything it's taught us.