Being famous isn't all glitz and glam, as celebrities prove time and time again by revealing their gruelling (and totally mad) routines. As the world continues to obsess over Jennifer Aniston, as she joins Instagram and promotes her new series The Morning Show, the star has revealed just what she does to get through the day. And it includes celery juice, and intermittent fasting - along with early workouts.
Look below to see how celebs like Mark Wahlberg and Jennifer Aniston get up and go. We're tired just reading these.
Celebrities With Absolutely Wild Morning Routines

Jennifer Aniston
In an interview with Radio Times, Aniston revealed that she drinks a glass of celery juice first thing. She also told the mag, 'I do intermittent fasting, so there's no food in the morning. I noticed a big difference in going without solid food for 16 hours.' Oh, and she also does work-outs at 7.30am.

Mark Wahlberg
Mark Wahlberg gets up at 2am in the morning. How do we know this? Because he revealed his typical daily routine on Instagram while answering fan questions.Starting at 2:30am, Mark prays until breakfast time at 3:15, works out from 3:40 to 5:15, then has a post-workout meal. His 6am shower is followed by golf at 7:30, a snack at 8, cryogenic chamber recovery at 9:30 (yes, really) another snack at 10:30 followed by family time, meetings and work calls from 11 to 1pm.And his afternoon is just as packed; more meetings and calls at 2pm, he picks up his children from school at 3, yet another snack at 3:30, another workout at 4, followed by a shower at 5, dinner and family time at 5:30 and then – finally bed at 7:30pm to get a full 7 hours sleep.Aside from the multiple snack times – we're not sure we could keep up with this gruelling schedule, and the internet was just as confused we were by this insane schedule, airing their views on Twitter.

Kim Kardashian
It's hard work being a Kardashian! Kim is up at 6am for some family time, then she goes for a run, works on her abs to R&B or classical music, and then into the shower. Her makeup take 90 minutes then she's filming the whole day with a few breaks to eat.

Princess Margaret
Princess Margaret's lavish routine is the stuff of legend. An excerpt from Ma'am Darling by Craig Brown reveals that she would wake up at 9am, have breakfast in bed and spend two hours listening to the radio, reading newspapers and smoking. She would have a bath at 11am, followed by hair and makeup at 12pm - then vodka at 12:20 and lunch with the Queen at 1pm.

The Queen
Her Majesty is up at 7:30am for a cup of English breakfast tea and two biscuits, after this she joins Prince Phillip for cornflakes and listens to the news and BBC Radio 4's Today programme. Then it's time for perusing over government documents and getting ready for engagements.

Marilyn Monroe
'I've been told that my eating habits are absolutely bizarre, but I don't think so' she told press in 1954. 'Before I take my morning shower, I start warming a cup of milk on the hot plate I keep in my hotel room.'When it's hot, I break two raw eggs into the milk, whip them up with a fork, and drink them while I'm dressing. I supplement this with a multi-vitamin pill, and I doubt if any doctor could recommend a more nourishing breakfast for a working girl in a hurry'.