Mariah Carey, Dolly Parton and Michelle Obama: All The Celebrities Who Have Received The Covid-19 Vaccine

See the A-listers leading the return to normality.

Celebrities Getting Covid-19 Vaccine

by Shana Lynch |
Updated on

Celebrities are used to leading the pack and the roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccine is no different. Over the past few months, as millions and millions of people have been vaccinated against Covid-19 around the world, the A-list have taken to social media to share a selfie – a vaxxie, if you will – of their reaction to receiving the vaccine.

Singers, artists, politicians – here are all the celebrities who have received the Covid-19 vaccine so far, from Michelle Obama to Dolly Parton.


Celebrities Who Have Received The Covid-19 Vaccine - Grazia

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Mariah Carey

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David Harbour

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Dr Alex George

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Gloria Steinem

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Jonathan Van Ness

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Kim Cattrall

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Kamala Harris

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Joe Biden

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Prue Leith

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Jane Fonda

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Amy Schumer

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Marc Jacobs

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Dolly Parton

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Joan Collins

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Dalai Lama

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Sharon Stone

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Michelle Obama

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Jeff Goldblum

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Bill Gates

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Rosario Dawson

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Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez

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READ MORE: 24 Hours In A Vaccination Centre - What's It Really Like Getting The Covid Vaccination?

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