Sex And The City Author Candace Bushnell Dated Aidan Actor John Corbett

Fact met fiction, and we're obsessed.

John Corbett Sarah Jessica Parker

by Guy Pewsey |
Updated on

In Sex And The City, art imitates life. The exploits of iconic TV heroine Carrie Bradshaw, while specifically fictitious, were in part inspired by the real-life romances and professional highs and lows of writer Candace Bushnell. But it turns out that life also imitated art, as the lines between TV and reality merged through the magic of love. We are honestly shocked.

Candace, a best-selling author and eternal New Yorker, appeared as a guest on US podcast Bradshaw Boys last year, and was asked one of the classic either/or questions in US TV: Big or Aidan. She made it clear that Aidan was not her favourite, despite his kind ways and sensitive nature.

'I'm never gonna be Team Aidan,' Candace says. 'I can't for a variety of reasons but one of the reasons is that my mother hated Aidan. She would watch and she was like, "I hate that Aidan. He's so wrong for her!" My mother hardly ever watched TV.'

Nevertheless, she also revealed that she actually ended up on a date with John Corbett, the actor who played Aidan. It's so meta our heads could explode.

'I did go to dinner with John Corbett', she explains. 'I kind of went out to dinner with him, it was romantic, [but] all I could think was, "My mother's gonna kill me!" Then he goes back to L.A. and then like two days later it's like, "Oh, he's dating Bo Derek." You cannot compete with Bo Derek, forget it.'

For the uninitiated, Bo Derek rose to fame in 70s film 10, which made her a bonafide sex symbol across the globe. She and John married in 2002.

As if those revelations didn't suffice, Candace added that she was once asked to play a major role in the hit series, when an unknown actress was unavailable. 'Darren asked me, "Do you wanna play [Big's wife] Natasha?" And I was like, "No," They had an actress, she couldn't do it, he's like, "come down here and play Natasha." I was like, "I'm busy, I cannot come to the set."''

The part eventually went to Bridget Moynahan who, coincidentally, played opposite John Corbett in Serendipity.

Too many connections. We couldn't help but wonder... where does fiction end and fact begin?

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31 Things You Didn't Know About Sex And The City - Grazia

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The tutu that Carrie wears in the opening credits cost $5 from a showroom bargain bin. It's now framed and hangs in Michael Patrick King's office.

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CREDIT: Craig Blankenhorn/HBO


Even if she was filmed from the waist up, Kim Cattrall – who played Samantha – insisted she wore heels as she said it made her feel more like her character.

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MISTAKE ALERT! In the opening credits, the bus that goes past Carrie with her picture on it is full of people in the first shot, then totally empty once it splashes her.

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Sarah Jessica Parker was the only one of the four ladies to have a nudity clause in her contract stating she would never appear naked.

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Mr Big's second wife, Natasha, always wore white because her character was meant to be 'vanilla'.

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Remember that politician Carrie dates in Season 3? He only went on to play ROGER STERLING in Mad Men.

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Carrie's 'Newspaper Dress' was designed by John Galliano for Christian Dior and would have set her back $1,500.

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Cynthia Nixon, who played Miranda, didn't have pierced ears. All her earrings were clip-ons.

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When Trey (Kyle MacLachlan) proposed to Charlotte (Kristen Davis) outside Tiffanys, it wasn't the real Tiffanys. The store wouldn't let them film for security reasons, so the set designers had to design a fake Tiffanys window. A Tiffanys employer still okayed it though.

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No outfit was ever repeated twice – except Carrie's fur coat in the final scene of the last series where she's on the phone to 'John' (you know who that is!).

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When Miranda's cat steals Brady's umbilical chord (hard to forget that bit) the 'umbilical chord' was actually some beef jerky tied to a piece of string.

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The scene where Carrie and Miranda ate a cupcake outside Magnolia bakery was credited for the global boom in cupcakes sales which followed. Yes, GLOBAL. The shop also later had to hire bouncers to control the crowds.

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Why was Mr Big called Mr Big? Sex and the City author Candice Bushnell told New York Magazine in 2004, 'He was one of those New York guys with a big personality — you just notice him as soon as he walks in the room.' She also said, 'I called him Mr. Big because he was like a big man on campus.'

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Carrie's 'Carrie Necklace' came from costume designer, Patricia Field's, East Village shop – often frequented by students. 'That name necklace was something that black kids, Puerto Rican kids, borough kids, ethnic kids had been wearing forever, that was just a statement,' she said. She had one made up especially for Carrie.

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Jennifer Aniston's hubby, Justin Theroux, appeared twice in SATC. First as Stanford's pal in Season One's The Monogamists, Jared, who Carrie flirts with at New York Magazine's '30 coolest people under 30' party. Second, as writer Vaughn Wysel in Shortcomings, who has a very close and open family, the mother of which Carrie felt was the person she ultimately had to break up with when the relationship with Vaughn collapsed.

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Who was Mr Big based on? Publishing executive Ron Galotti, former publisher of GQ and Talk. Wanna see a pic of him? Ok...

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Mr Big was originally described by Carrie as 'the next Donald Trump'... WHAT A RELIEF she was wrong.

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The first dog to play Aidan's pooch, Pete, was afraid of actor John Corbett. It loved SJP though. In the end, they had to find another dog for the role.

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When Carrie falls into the Central Park pond to avoid a kiss from Big, Sarah Jessica Parker cut her foot on the bottom and had to have a tetanus shot straight after, even though the pool was dredged prior to filming. Luckily the scene was filmed in one take – but still... WHAT a palaver!

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Sarah Jessica Parker was once set-up on a date with Willie Garson. Who was he, you might ask? Only Stanford Blatch!

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Season 5 was created to be shorter than the other series' because Sarah Jessica Parker was pregnant.

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Carrie never calls Mr Big 'Big' to his face – only behind his back. In fact, she doesn't call him anything at all in the ENTIRE series. It's only in Sex and the City: The Movie that she refers to him by his real name, 'John'... and that's just the once when she gets home and asks where he is.

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The four girls' family are rarely mentioned because the show's creators didn't want family issues to detract from the friendships and characters.

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When Carrie goes to LA to talk about a film version of her book and ends up having that #awkward chat with Matthew McConaughey about his take on the 'Mr Big character', Matthew wasn't the first actor approached for the cameo. Originally it was Alec Baldwin, who turned it down. As did George Clooney. And also Warren Beatty.

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Candice Bushnell only made $60,000 from selling the film rights to her bestselling book Sex and the City.

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The most expensive dress Carrie wore was the Atelier Versace Couture 'Mille Feuille' gown in the penultimate SATC episode, when she was in Paris awaiting her date with Aleksandr Petrovsky. It cost $80,000.

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Carrie's apartment – 245 E 73rd Street, between Park and Madison – doesn't exist. It's actual location was 66 Perry Street, between Bleeker and 4th East 73rd street.

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All the ladies 'lobbied' for more diversity on the show, 'no one more than Sarah Jessica', Cynthia Nixon once revealed.

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Kim Cattrall only decided to play Samantha after a friend convinced her. She turned down the role twice.

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Carrie Bradshaw's apartment was sold in 2012 for $9.65million. In the series she said she paid just $750 per month in rent for it. OH THE DAYS.

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The book Love Letters Of Great Men from SATC Movie didn't exist until after the film, and it only came out because so many people wanted to buy it.

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When Carrie bumps into Aidan carrying his baby in Season 6, the child was actually Sarah Jessica Parker's. That's why the baby looks so pleased to see her – CUTE!

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