Bridgerton caused a storm when it was released into the Netflix ether this Christmas and for good reason. What's not to love? There are haughty men in boots and breeches, swooning ladies, heaving bosoms oh, and one licked-clean spoon (yep, we watched that on a loop, thirsty? Us?). For many though, this isn't the first time a Bridgerton obsession has hit home. I, for example, got heavily into Julia Quinn's Bridgerton book series in my early twenties. I'd read every Jane Austen novel going over and over again (and yes, I continue to) and had made my way through the delights of Georgette Heyer's Regency romance offerings. Written in the early noughties Julia Quinn's novels offered up a fresh new take on the era, lots of sex and serious romance. I was hooked. Watching Bridgerton having read every single novel from the Bridgerton book set back to front and twice gives an interesting perspective and one that I'm oh so willing to share. Ever wondered why there's a bee buzzing around the whole time? I know. Puzzled as to why Anthony Bridgerton's constantly checking his father's old pocket watch? Yep, I know that too. Ready for a little Bridgerton background info (minus any huge spoilers of course)? Here goes...
1. This Is The Reason There's A Bee Buzzing Around The Whole Time
If you didn't hit the 'Skip Intro' button during the first episode of Bridgerton on Netflix you'd have spotted a little bee, a bee that pops up frequently during the series and ties things up on the final scene by buzzing out of shot. That bee is more than just a quaint motif or a nod to the 'B' of the Bridgerton family. In the books (in the second book to be exact) you learn that the late Viscount Bridgerton (Edmund), Violet's husband her children's father died of a bee sting. Of course modern medicine would deduce that he suffered an anaphylactic reaction, but this was not something known about during the Regency period. Instead the fit and healthy husband and father appeared felled by a single bee sting. This tale plays heavily into the narrative around Anthony Bridgerton's love story in the second book, The Viscount Who Loved Me, but you'll find no spoilers here.
2. Simon, The Duke Of Hastings Doesn't Box In The Book But It Was Considered A Gentlemanly Sport At The Time
No, Julia Quinn's_The Duke And I_ doesn't include bouts of boxing when delving into the hobbies of the Duke of Hastings but that's not to say that this Netflix-led fabrication isn't founded in Regecny history. Boxing was one of theco untry's most popular spectator sports during the Regency period and London even boasted a boxing academy on Bond Street founded by the celebrated John Jackson (who became the Champion Boxer of England in 1795 at the age of 26). Gentleman John Jackson and his boxing saloon was a hotspot for matches and it was thought a great honour of a gentleman found himself able to spar with John Jackson himself. The Duke of Hastings' love of boxing would have been par for the course in Regency London.
READ MORE: Read About A Day In The Life Of Daphne Bridgerton's Fringe. No Really
3. This Is Why Anthony Keeps Looking At His Pocket Watch
If you're watching Bridgerton without having read Julia Quinn's The Viscount Who Loved Me you'd be forgiven for thinking it odd that Anthony Bridgerton is so frequently seen inspecting his late father's old pocket watch. There's an interesting reason for this and it has zero relation to his fastidious timekeeping. As I mentioned before Anthony's father died out of the blue of a bee sting, when he was relatively young (39) even by Regency standards. Anthony becomes obsessed with the fact that, left up to fate, he will pass away at the same age. In The Viscount Who Loves Me this fixation rules his actions. He believes he will die at the age of 39 and he has until that long to set his affairs in order. That is why, keen readers of the books, will be unsurprised at Anthony's constant clockwatching, he's reminding himself that time is running out.

4. Daphne Wasn't Originally A 'Diamond Of The First Water'
In Bridgerton we see Daphne embark on her first season as the incomparable, the 'diamond of the first water'. The Duke And I, the book, painted a rather different first scene. When we meet Daphne for the first time in the book she's at the beginning of her second season and still without a husband. She's well-respected in society but mostly regarded as a wonderful friend by the gentlemen of the ton. Daphne is aware that it is her duty to marry well, for the better she marries, the better the prospects of her sisters on the marriage mart when they reach adulthood. The plan is hatched between her and the Duke of Hastings to feign courtship thus increasing interest in Daphne and keeping the obsessive mamas off Simon's back for a season. The rest of the narrative proceeds as we see it unfold in Bridgerton.
5. The Duke Of Hastings Still Had A Stutter In The Books
In Bridgerton we see the adult Simon Basset free of any form of stutter, more than that he seems to have acquired some truly excellent tongue skills (we're talking about THE spoon moment, scoop those minds out of the gutter!). In Julia Quinn's original storytelling in The Duke And I the Duke of Hastings is still contending with the hint of a stutter. This causes him to appear proud and regal when he offers little in the way of conversation and attempts to exit social situations quickly for fear of slipping up in public and revealing his perceived speech impediment.
READ MORE: Bridgerton Beauty: How Regency Women REALLY Did Their Hair And Make-Up
6. There Was A Real Version Of Siena Stealing Hearts In Regency Society
Siena, Anthony's mistress, plays a big part in the TV series, a bigger part than she played in Julia Quinn's books. She might even be based on a real person. Harriette Wilson was the reigning courtesan in Regency England. She was adored by the likes of Lord Byron, the Duke of Wellington and Lord Melbourne. Whilst popular in her 20s she struggled in her 30s with keeping her protectors interested, much as Siena does with regards to Anthony Bridgerton in this first series of Bridgerton. Lord Bedford, like Anthony, promised to provide for her with an annual income, before leaving her penniless. Harriette got her revenge though. She later threatened to publish her memoirs and detail her past lovers, offering to leave tales of their exploits out if they paid up. True to her word, in the absence of payment, Harriette Wilson's memoirs were published and her past lovers exposed. This woman knew her worth, much like Siena.
7. Madame Delacroix Is A TV Series Only Character And We Wouldn't Be Without Her
No Madame Delacroix was only afforded a mere mention in the Bridgerton book series but author Julia Quinn is delighted with the bigger role afforded to the character in the Netflix show. On Instagram Julia wrote 'Let's talk about Genevieve (played by the incomparable Kathryn Drysdale @katkindrysdale). There IS a dressmaker in the books named Madame Delacroix but she's no more than a mention, so IMO Genevieve is really a new character. I personally love that she was added to the story. My novels are pretty tightly focused on the hero and heroine, so I don't get to spend too much time on secondary character - certainly not enough to explore what it means to be a self-made woman like Genevieve.'
The Best Hairstyles In Birdgerton And The Secrets They Betray About Each Character
Best Hairstyles In Bridgerton

Daphne Bridgerton The Debutante
Daphne Bridgerton enters society as a debutante via her presentation to the Queen. The occoasion at the start of each season in London was an elaborate affair and important in setting the tone for each lady's season and prospects on the marriage mart. Daphne wears her hair curled in the latest fashions, leaves her neck exposed (this was thought the most elegant part of a woman's body at the time) and wears her family jewels to best represent the Bridgerton name. The message? Daphne Bridgerton is a viable contender to be named the season's diamond of the first water.

Eloise Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton is yet to make her debut in society. As such she is not soliciting callers and not yet looking for marriage. Her hair and her hemlines are both sound signals. Her hair is left to drop over her shoulders as was the fashion for children of the time, rather than being tied up to reveal a more adult and elegant stretch of neck.

Daphne Bridgerton At Home
Home life for a lady out in society called for modesty. Here Daphne eschews her fine hair accessories and jewels (which might be deemed vulgar outside of a ball) for a simple half-up-half-down do, which signals her adulthood whilst speaking to her purity - an essential trait in the marriage mart.

Lady Danbury
Lady Danbury hails from an era that followed the fashions of France to the letter. Women in England copied the towering powdered hairstyles that became so popular at the court of Versailles (think Marie Antoinette). That Lady Danbury's hairstyle is, in comparison to those fashions, unelaborate and modest, unpowdered and entirely elegant speaks to her character. We must assume, from her hairstyle, that this woman is unfussy, forthright an forward thinking.

Marina Thompson
Here Marina Thompson wears flowers in her hair, speaking to her love of the outdoors and appreciation of nature. Women of the time were required to be accomplished. Most learned to play an instrument, all took up needlework, many drew and a few studied botany. There was a focus on the outdoors and English countryside during the Regency period as the Napoleonic wars very much closed society off from travel. Society's gaze turned from exploring the continent to making the most of the great outdoors on their doorstep. In wearing flowers in her hair Marina appears at once fashionable and modest.

Anthony Bridgerton
Don't for one minute think that men put any less thought into their hairstyles during the Regency period than women. Men like Beau Brummell became celebrities of the time and set fashions as keenly as the A-listers of today. In wearing their sideburns bold and their hair on top long they sought to channel the power of the warriors of Ancient Greece. And who better to wear a power-heavy haircut than Lord Bridgerton?

Penelope Featherington
We'd hazard a guess that if Penelope Featherington had things her way her hair would be styled in the more fashionable, less-is-more way like Daphne. As it is she's under the rule of Lady Featherington and her hair appears more in the style of the elaborate French courtiers of the late eighteenth century. Penelope's hairstyle at the time would have been seen as outdated and a little OTT - more a reflection of her mother than Penelope we think.

Cressida Cowper
Cressida Cowper's high and elaborate hairstyles make her look severe and intimidating - if that's not a true reflection of her Briderton character we don't know what is! Ladies of the time would be helped to dress for balls by their lady's maid and it's clear Cressida's is required to devote a lot of time to her hair. Her accessories and elaborate style speak to both her wealth, and her determination to snag a husband before the season is out.

Benedict Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton's hair doesn't boast the bold sideburns of his brother Lord Bridgerton, but that subtle sweeping of the hair on top is reminiscent of the style of the Romantic poets that became popular towards the end of the Regency period. Benedict is an artist and his hair speaks to his creativity.

Colin Bridgerton
Colin is the second youngest Bridgerton boy and it is evident he feels free of the duties that both his older brothers Anthony and Benedict feel bound to. As such his hairstyle appears a longer, livelier and more playful.

Queen Charlotte
Regality. That is the message that emanates from Queen Charlotte's hair and rightly so. As an older woman the Queen would likely have adhered to the fashions of her youth, meaning the bold, high, powdered wigs of the late eighteenth century, before the days of the French revolution when the English studiously followed the fashions of France and the decadence of the court at Versailles was entirely a la mode.
READ MORE: Why Daphne Bridgerton's Micro-Fringe Is The Mood We All Need Right Now
READ MORE: The Best Bridgerton Hairstyles And What They Say About Each Character