A model has appeared on The Ellen Degeneres Show wearing elongated prosthetic arms to show the extremes to which her body was Photoshopped in a bikini advert. Tanya Marie Keller featured in the campaign for Target’s (think George at Asda) swimwear, but she looked virtually nothing like herself. Arms stretched and thinned out, a big blocky thigh gap shoved into her crotch, and oodles of other amends which made the model look, basically, nothing like a human – Target created quite the monster.
But don’t be scared of Tanya’s appearance on the show because it’s pretty funny. Throughout the interview, it becomes apparent that Ellen and her viewers were jumping to conclusions when they assumed that she had been badly Photoshopped in the campaign. Obviously arms the width of cars do exist.
Tanya might never again model for Target, but she’s so funny with all the physical humour in this clip, we wouldn’t be surprised if she were to be snapped up by other bookers.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.