It's fair to say that Beyoncé's pregnancy announcement completely blindsided us.
Last night, the singer shared the news that she is expecting twins with an Instagram 'baby bump' shoot, sending the general public into meltdown at the thought of not one but two little siblings for 5-year-old Blue Ivy Carter.
Of course, Beyoncé is essentially the only woman in the known universe who could pull off such an outré baby announcement, posing in a long veil and Agent Provocateur lingerie in the manner of a High Renaissance painting re-imagined by Dolce and Gabbana, but part of the reason her news left us so surprised was because there'd been not even the quietest of whispers before her big reveal.

However, it seems that for one anonymous Twitter user, at least, the news was rather less of a shock.
Back in July 2016, the Twitter account @beyoncefan666 posted an eerily accurate prediction of Beyoncé's news, writing 'Okay so Beyoncé is gonna announce a pregnancy in February (2017)'

Over six months later on January 28th, just a few days before the announcement, the same account tweeted 'Beyoncé is pregnant. She told me.'

While the anonymous user, whose account name is listed simply as a full stop, with a crown-wearing Twitter egg as their profile picture, didn't forsee the fact that Beyoncé would be carrying twins, her predictions are still uncannily accurate. We're not sure whether to be impressed or utterly terrified...
Last summer, the account holder described themselves as 'a Parkwood intern' and 'low key psychic'; Parkwood Entertainment being the name of Beyoncé's entertainment management business, which oversees the singer's Ivy Park fashion label and manages artists like sister act Chloe and Halle.
It turns out that it's not just Beyoncé predictions this account has a handle on. Days before the EU referendum, it correctly predicted the outcome of the Brexit vote down to the last percentage, writing 'Haha referendum coming up. Just a heads up: we leave the EU' and 'In the referendum 52% vote leave.'

On November 7th, it foresaw the conclusion of the US election, fatalistically tweeting, 'I would tell you all to go and vote for Hillary but it doesn't matter because I already know that Trump has won.'

It's not all doom and gloom, however: among the other correct predictions were the news that Lady Gaga will perform at the Super Bowl, and that her latest album would be released in October 2016.
Whoever @beyoncefan666 may be, we're certainly glad that his or her Beyoncé prediction came to fruition. We could all do with some good news right now.
READ MORE: The Best Celebrity Reactions To Beyoncé's Pregnancy News
READ MORE: The Funniest Memes, Parodies And Reactions To Beyoncé's Pregnancy Announcement