1. Best Flag Flyer For Booze Britain
Emma Thompson – looking AHMAZING BTW – presenting the Best Screenplay award, clutching a martini in one hand, and a pair of Louboutins in the other. Much like us on a Saturday night then. Minus the Louboutins.

2. Best Timing Award
Top marks to the sprinkler that exploded on the red carpet mere hours before it was due to open. The real prize goes to the man valiantly trying to mop it up with one towel while everyone else takes pictures on their phone. Thanks all, really helpful.

3. Best Dressed Award
I mean OBVIOUSLY Lupita looked banging, but really actually we’re mostly taken by Diane Keaton here whose mannish tuxedo and Clark Kent glasses trumped all the chiffon, satin and tulle the red carpet had to offer.

** 4. Best Beard On A Boyfriend Award**
Well, husband actually. Jemima Kirke’s beau Michael Mossberg’s salt n’ pepper sprinkled facial hair, crumpled suit jacket and worn-out Docs is exactly how we like our men, please. None of this £5,000 Hugo Boss tux nonsense here.

5. Best Drunken Instagramming Award
Here’s Aaron Paul after he stole a baby and tried to eat it. Honourable mention to David the Baby for allowing himself to be eaten with such good grace.

6. Best Hot Mess Of A Presenting Job
Diddy showed up to present an award and managed to stand in front of fellow presenter Usher, then realized he knew the guy he was presenting an award to – Alex Ebert of Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes because they once partied together on his yacht. Then he hugged Bono. But Bono could not be hugged. Bad luck Diddy. And lighten up Bono.

7. Most Overused Headline
'And The Award For Best Photobomb Goes Tooooo…' Although in all fairness, Jennifer Lawrence’s foray into the background of Taylor Swift’s interview is rather excellent. And while we’re at it…

8. …Best Dedication To Looking Like A Disney Princess
It’s J-Law, in Dior. Or y’know, the piece of old sheeting that Scuttle the friendly talking seagull picked off the beach for her.

9. Best Couple
Bloody hell, it’s only taken like, forever but Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult, the couple that will never admit they’re a couple, finally did a snog in public right before she went up to collect her Best Supporting Actress Award. Jolly good.

10. Best Nails
Zooey Deschanel does daisies. Big fan.

11. Best 'Fancy Seeing You Here' Face
Zosia Mamet and Lena Dunham like, totally can’t believe they showed up at the same place. PS Lena’s dress? HEAVEN.

Pictures: Getty
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.