Why Barack Obama On Holiday Is The Best Thing Ever

*insert heart eyes emoji here*

Why Barack Obama On Holiday Is The Best Thing Ever

by Jazmin Kopotsha |
Published on

Don’t pretend you weren’t interested in how Barack Obama has been spending his post-President of the United States of America vay-cay. It’s Obama. Of course you’re interested.

Yesterday was a big day for social media what with Beyoncé pulling a Beyoncé and all. But let’s all take a minute to revisit the fact that Barack Obama reached peak cool dad and it was really bloody brilliant.

He’s kicking it over in the British Virgin Islands, specifically on Richard Branson's Necker Island, which in itself is fantastic (don’t mind me, I’m just drawing tenuous links between Obama and Britain over here). But if I'm being honest, I was quite sceptical about the whole 'Barack Obama on holiday thing'. I wanted nothing more than for him and Michelle to have the break they deserve, but I'm not convinced we've ever seen either of them properly off-duty. Do they even do off-duty?

The answer is yes, you guys. Yes they do. We're talking shorts, flip flops, sunnies, the works. And to top it all off? A backwards baseball cap snuggly sat upon Barack Obama's head, of course.

What an absolute champ.

Oh and did you notice Michelle's pigtails? The Obamas are on holiday people, and they're doing it better than I could ever have hoped for. So long, suit and tie. Farewell, dress and heels. They're about the shorts and sandal life now kids, and never looking back*.

*Lol jk. Plz come back, guys.

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Follow Jazmin on Instagram @JazKopotsha

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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