Awkward Onstage Make Out Sessions And Other AMA Highlights

The highlights from the 2015 AMAs

Awkward Onstage Make Out Sessions And Other AMA Highlights

by Stevie Martin |
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The American Music Awards happened, Justin Bieber got wet, Meghan Trainor and Charlie Puth made out on stage, and a whole lot more happened. To ensure you can keep up with the chat this morning, here’s your need to know if you were too busy having a banging weekend to watch it.

Justin Bieber cried and got all wet

Closing the AMAs with a performance of Where Are U Now, What Do You Mean And Sorry involving loads of water, the Biebs has kept the gif fans happy for the next five years. Expect every sad response to now include a gif from this set. Also, Justin gave a really moving tribute to Paris in which he broke down in tears, which came across as both genuine and really, really moving. Check it out here

Miss Piggy does an Adele spoof

In the Adele spoof to reign over all over Adele spoofs, Miss Piggy and Kermit re-enacted that Adele video nobody’s really heard of. It’s called Hi or something. Anyway, everyone can now go home and stop spoofing it because nothing can really beat this

Anna Kendrick gave the best speech ever

It was hilarious. Accepting the award for best soundtrack for Pitch Perfect 2, a sample line was ‘You're a ruthless little group of sociopaths and I admire that about you’. We want her to win at every award so she can give speeches like this.

Meghan Trainor and Charlie Puth make out

After a very nice performance of Like I’m Gonna Lose You, Charlie Puth joined Meghan Trainor on stage for ‘Marvin Gaye’ and they awkwardly snogged while the audience didn’t quite know what to do with themselves and everyone at home desperately tried to be the first to vine it.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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