Ariana Grande Takes Down Body-Shaming AND Sexist Comments

Ariana Grande Takes Down Body-Shaming And Sexist Comments


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Hell hath no fury like a scorned Ariana Grande. The singer decided to take down a pair of radio hosts making sexist comments* and* an Instagram users making offensive comments about her body shape this week.

After a user tagged Ariana in a post saying that she was less sexy than Modern Family actress Ariel Winter because "curves are sexy and sticks aren't", the Focus singer posted a message to her fans alongside the comment on Instagram.

“Sigh…. tweets, comments, statements like this are not okay. About anyone!!!” she began.

“We live in a day and age where people make it IMPOSSIBLE for women, men, anyone to embrace themselves exactly how they are. Diversity is sexy! Loving yourself is sexy! You know what is NOT sexy? Misogyny, objectifying, labeling, comparing and body shaming!!!“

Ariana added: "Talking about people’s bodies as if they’re on display ASKING for your approval/ opinion...THEY ARE NOT!!!! CELEBRATE YOURSELF. CELEBRATE OTHERS. The things that make us different from one another make us BEAUTIFUL. BODY BOUNDARIES. LOVE LOVE LOVE ONLY.”

Ariel Winter then responded to the post, writing on her own account:

“I especially believe in today’s world we all need to stick together — I believe in EMPOWERING other women and not putting them down. I celebrate everyone for who they are because that is what makes them beautiful. You ARE beautiful.”

Earlier this week, Ariana called out two DJs on LA station Power 106 FM for their sexist questions about make-up, phones and unicorn emojis.

She got fed up when they asked her if she'd rather give up her phone or make-up, replying "Is this men assuming that's what girls have trouble choosing between?".

Then there was this exchange:

"Grande: When I’m at a dinner table, I like to be present—with eye contact—and talking.

DJ: Listen and learn, ladies!

Grande: Boys, learn! Come on. Boys and girls. We can all learn."

When the DJs then queried that men would would ever use unicorn emojis, Ariana declared "I don't want to hang out at Power FM anymore".

But she stayed and politely shut down any more sexist questionign by stating what she'd want to change in the world:

“I have a long list of things I’d like to change… I think judgment in general,” she said. “Intolerance, meanness, double standard, misogyny, racism, sexism. You know, all that sh-t. There’s lots we’ve got to get started on. That’s what we need to focus on. We’ve got work to do.”

Watch the awkward interview below.

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