Stars Pay Tribute To Legendary Princess Diaries Director Garry Marshall

garry marshall

by Grazia Contributor |
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The legendary US film director, writer and Happy Days creator Garry Marshall- famed for producing successful romantic comedies from Pretty Woman to Princess Diaries - has died aged 81, after complications from pneumonia.

After his publicist confirmed the sad news on Tuesday, A-list actresses from Anne Hathaway to Julia Roberts, have lead tributes to the filmmaker who helped launch their careers.

Oscar-winning actress Anne Hathaway, had her big break in Garry Marshall’s box-office hit The Princess Diaries, in 2001. It was the Les Mis star’s first major film role and she was just 15-years-old.

Mourning the loss of her former director, she has penned a moving tribute on her Instagram page.

"Garry was goodness itself. He was generous. He was kind beyond kind. He was thoughtful and sweet and so funny you would pee yourself a little," Hathaway wrote with a black and white photo of Marshall and her Princess Diaries co-star. Julie Andrews. "I met him when I was a child who thought she was a grown-up; he treated me with grace and patience and respect and always, always love."

Kate Hudson also shares touching memories of the director on social media – from being on his film set as a child in the ‘80s watching her parents Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell act in his film Overboard in 1987 to then starring in his films as an adult - from Raising Helen and his last project Mother’s Day.

‘Garry and I were shooting Mothers Day this past year my children came to visit the set. I was behind a wall about to do a scene waiting for the very words that every working actor is quite used to, "and....ACTION!"

Adding: ‘Much to my pleasant surprise the voice booming from behind the wall was my son, Ryder. I couldn't help but smile and after we finished the scene both Garry and I shared a moment. We knew in an instant that so many things come full circle. That once upon a time that was me on his lap yelling ACTION for my mother and pa on Overboard in 1987. That in Garry's words in that moment, "The circle of life is an amazing thing isn't it…”’

‘Garry wanted to see the world smile because he knew we all need more of that. To everyone in the Garry Marshall family, I love you all so much. I will miss you Garry ❤️ I love you.’

Garry is survived by his wife, Barbara, and their three children.

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