Androgynous Model Andrej Pejic Has A Part In Sofia Coppola’s The Little Mermaid

Sofia's making sure her Disney movie will be really cool


by Fiona Byrne |
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She’s the queen of cool so it makes complete sense that Sofia Coppola would enlist the coolest and most interesting cast for her adaptation of The Little Mermaid.

According to IMDB, Australian model Andrej Pejic has been cast as 'Sister #4’ in the live action movie, which is Coppola’s first venture into Disney blockbuster territory. The flick isn’t expected to be the indie dream we’re used to from Coppola and instead is aimed at actual children.

That clearly hasn’t stopped the director from making sure it has a cool fashion element though. Pejic is probably the only model to walk both mens and womens major runway shows, appearing in campaigns and shows dressed as often as a female as he does as male. After Carine Roitfeld cast him for a French Vogue editorial, he went on to work with Jean Paul Gaultier, Galliano and Yves Saint Laurent.

The movie isn’t Pejic’s first into acting, he’s already starred in the short film Reason and the TV series Faith.

The Little Mermaid is currently in pre-production.

Picture: Getty

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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