It’s funny how a song can bring back memories, be they happy or painful, of a place, time or even a person. And if you’ve ever shared a ‘song’ with a significant other, only for it to haunt you in the most inconvenient of places, you’ll certainly feel for Alexa Chung: how do you react when your ex is the lead singer of one of the biggest bands in the world, making his South Yorkshire-by-way-of LA vocals a mainstay of almost every DJ’s set list?
According to a Page Six report (which, let it be known, is yet to be verified by Alexa’s people), the presenter turned fashion designer was attending the Chez Away pop-up hotel during Paris Fashion Week when the voice of her ex-boyfriend, Arctic Monkeys’ Alex Turner, filled the airwaves as the DJ dropped ‘Fluorescent Adolescent,’ a single from the band’s second album Favourite Worst Nightmare. If you’re not entirely au fait with photogenic indie romances of the past decade, we can bring you up to speed: Alex and Alexa (even the names were meant to be) got together in 2007 – around the time that ‘Fluorescent Adolescent’ was entirely ubiquitous – and eventually split in 2011. It was a love story made for Tumblr, characterised by similar names, similar haircuts and similar taste in coats. Sigh.

Rather than sit out the track, Alexa reportedly called upon her friend Justin O’Shea, the former creative director of Brioni, to ask the DJ for a change of tempo. Per Page Six, she suggested a Rolling Stones track as a substitute. The DJ, apparently, ‘acquiesced’ to her request and cutthe song short.
We get it, Alexa. Thanks to years of ‘Fluorescent Adolescent’ over-exposure at late Noughties indie discos, it’s not exactly our favourite Monkeys song, either. But then again, we’ll maintain the superiority of their MySpace demos to their entire future output to the end, so perhaps we aren’t the best ones to ask…
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