Adele Will Sing Your Birthday For Free

Singer says she’s not up for endorsements and that includes charging £1m for a birthday gig…


by Sophie Wilkinson |
Published on

You know how celebrity pop stars don't just sing these days? You know how they also endorse whatever brand is offering them the most cash to the point when they're seen and heard just about everywhere but you couldn't for the life of you hum a single song of theirs?

Well, Adele's not that kind of singer. She told The Observer Music Monthly she'd turned down the opportunity to plug a fitness range, a line of candles and a car: 'I don’t want to endorse a line of nail varnishes. A million pounds to sing at your birthday party? I’d rather do it for free'

Which bodes well for you. That is, if it's your birthday and you know Adele and she really likes you and you can fulfil her rider and, well, at least it's nice of her to say.

Other down-to-earth nuggets of relatable gold she imparted?

'It’s very easy to give into being famous. Because it’s charming. It’s powerful. After a while I just refused to accept a life that was not real... expecting things to be done for you.'

'I had a few moments like that and it frightened me. It was something simple like running out of clean clothes. And me not having the initiative to wash my own clothes. I was annoyed that my clothes weren’t clean. I was on the top of the mountain.'

'So I told myself I better abseil down and go and do my fucking laundry.'

Or at least hang it all out for everyone to see by way of her music – who else's dirty laundry has such a beautiful airing?

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Follow Sophie on Twitter @sophwilkinson

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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