Adele is* Rolling Stone*'s new cover star - and she looks beautiful in the makeup free shoot, without her now-iconic eyeliner.
In the interview, Adele talks about being described as 'plus size', and being asked to cover Playboy. "Would I show my body off if I was thinner? Probably not, because my body is mine. But sometimes I'm curious to know if I would have been as successful if I wasn't plus-size. I think I remind everyone of themselves.
"Not saying everyone is my size, but it's relatable because I'm not perfect, and I think a lot of people are portrayed as perfect, unreachable and untouchable."
She added: "I've been asked 'Would you do Playboy?' so many f**king times, it's ridiculous...And is that because I'm a woman or because I'm fat?"
Adele also talked about having a 'squad' a la Taylor Swift: "I've heard about a squad," she said ('with an amused snort'). "I wish my squad was all supermodels. We are, in our brains. I guess I have my own squad...It's not as interesting as some of the other squads that are around right now...But maybe Rihanna can be in my squad! That would be really cool. Oh, God. She's life itself, isn't she? I love her."
Adele also talked about feeling guilty when her work takes her away from son two-year-old Angelo. "I just feel bad all the time," she said. "It made me really want to hurry up and finish my record...It made me desperate, actually, to come back."
She added: "I was like, 'I don't want to wait until my kid is 16 to show him who I am.' Because I'm very proud of what I achieved. And I wasn't, before I had Angelo. I didn't understand, actually, what I had achieved and how far I had come. Because everyone wants to do something with their life, and we don't all get the opportunity because sh*t gets in the way. So I feel f**king so fortunate that the stars just aligned for me and allowed me to have the most ridiculous ride ever."
Read the full interview in Rolling Stone.