5 Reasons Taylor Swift And Tom Hiddleston Split Up. Possibly.

Because rumours about Hiddleswift's Hiddlesplit are exploding the internet

5 Reasons Taylor Swift And Tom Hiddleston Split Up. Possibly.

by Polly Riggs |
Published on

Put your ‘I heart T.S’ replica vest on eBay and brace yourself for a new album - Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift have supposedly split up. Their relationship has raised more than a few skeptical eyebrows, especially after that beach frolic made everyone’s skins crawl, but apparently ‘Hiddleswift’ are now #Hiddlesplit.

Here’s some theories as to why, because y’know, speculation is fun.

**1. She refused to attend the Emmy’s with him **

You know when you’re invited to one of the biggest awards nights in the calendar, but your girlfriend just doesn’t fancy it? Me neither, but Tom Hiddleston does. He’s up for Best Actor for his performance in the BBC’s The Night Manager, but it looks like he’ll be going it alone after Taylor supposedly refused to go to the Emmy’s as ‘arm candy’. Reason enough to split up? Looks like it.

2. She doesn’t want a serious relationship

Uh oh, pretty sure we’ve all used this line before. According to The Sun, Taylor ‘“doesn’t want a serious relationship and that’s where it was heading.”’ See also: ‘it’s not you, it’s me’.

3. She hates his love of the limelight

Let’s be honest though, Taylor herself isn’t exactly known for being low key. Her video for Bad Blood might well be in the Guinness World Records for ‘Most Celebs Packed Into Four Minutes’. But according to The Sun’s source ‘“being in a relationship which brings so much attention is not her thing.”’

4. He hates her love of the limelight

For two people who apparently dislike the limelight, an A-List relationship was probably not the greatest of ideas. A source speaking to Radar Online said that it was Tom who was uncomfortable with the spotlight, saying ‘“it bothers him so much that they’ve become known as this fauxmance laughing stock.”’ Understandable.

5. She probably won’t be a Bond girl

One for the cynics out there. The news of Hiddleswift’s demise breaks just a day after Daniel Craig has reportedly been offered £113 million to make two more Bond films. One thinks that kind of cash would be pretty persuasive. With Movieweb suggesting that Taylor Swift was harboring dreams of becoming a Bond girl, could the news that Tom may be pretty low down the pecking order have had anything to do with the split?

Naturally, the high-profile cooling off has sparked some brilliant Twitter memes.

But the truth is we don’t know why they’ve broken up. We don’t even know if they were actually in love in the first place.

Let’s face it though, we're all obsessed with finding out.

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**Follow Polly on Twitter **@pollyriggs96

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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