If there's one kind of selfie that gets kudos from us, it's the yoga selfie. Not just displaying your pouting prowess, or perfect eyebrows, a yoga selfie (when executed properly) will show the world how poised, calm and athletic you are. And of course, every A Lister worth their salt posts them daily. Miranda Kerr - one of our all-time favourite yoga babes - celebrated her birthday with a commerative 'full circle', one of the trickiest poses to master. For yoga newbies, this is something of a daunting prospect. If you've barely mastered your downward dog, the thought of trying to immortalise the moment in a Valencia-filtered snap could ruin your zen. Fear not - we spoke to Nahid de Belgeonne, founder of Good Vibes Yoga gave us some tips on how to perfect that #innerpeace moment...
"Instagram yoga can seem a little daunting: there are lots of people doing very advanced poses, seemingly effortlessly, on beaches, looking like models! But you don’t have do one-armed handstands in a bikini, or even drink green juices, to join in.
Join a challenge – it’s a wonderful way to get to know people and find inspiration. Challenges are usually run in the same way - everyone participating does the same pose each day and posts the picture. At the end of the challenge the hosts pick some winners and they get a prize from a sponsor. If you do join a challenge, find the balance between trying to do the daily pose and staying true to your own practice. Play your edge but stay safe and modify poses as much as you want. Like and comment on other people’s pictures, it’s a great community but you have to get involved to get to know them
Warm up first! Don’t risk injury for the sake of a quick photo, it’s just not worth it.
Remember you are taking a picture of a yoga pose, but this isn’t your yoga practice. Take the photos after you practice, never during. Pretty much nothing could ruin a lovely yummy yoga flow as much as stopping to take a selfie every 5 minutes.
Do both sides of each pose! Even if you are only taking the photo on your good side do the pose on the other side as well so you stay balanced. Plan your poses ahead of time so you feel as calm and relaxed as possible.
Give yourself more time to get the shot. If you are using a smart phone there are great apps (eg Camera Awesome), or if you are using a camera get an intervalometer, that take a photo every set number of seconds so you can just do your thing until you are happy with the shot.
And most of all have fun! Don’t worry about how many likes you get or followers you have. As much as possible let go of the ego, enjoy being creative, and make meaningful connections with all the other wonderful yogis around the world."
Good Vibes are offering Instagram Yoga classes which will teach you how get into poses mindfully. Sarah Campbell from Glow Yoga is leading the class on Saturday 27th June 2.30pm – 4.30pm. Check their site for more details and see our favourite poses in the gallery below...
Instagram Yoga



