We all know the drill, you should jump out bed as soon as your alarm goes off, glug a load of water, do some sort of meditation or mindfulness exercises to sharpen those synapses before embarking on your daily run, cycle or walk before work. We’re all aware that a proper routine in the morning, that sees you giving yourself a bit of time before you start work, moving your body and giving yourself the chance to enjoy the start of the day, is a big part of getting through lockdown.
But this week, it's been harder than ever. It’s absolutely freezing, treacherously icy and I don’t know about you, but my sleep has become horrendous in the last few weeks (which, to be fair, is probably what happens when you’re indoors for 23.5 hours a day). Suffice to say, any semblance of a morning routine I had in January - I’d try and go for a run after dropping my son off at nursery, or take some time to have a proper breakfast away from my desk at least a couple of times a week - has gone out of the window. Instead, I’m hitting snooze on my alarm far too much, arriving at my desk behind schedule, feeling knackered, and painfully aware that I’ve achieved nothing.
Enter Phizz: billed as ’the lovechild of Berroca and Lucozade,’ this effervescent vitamin drink is designed to turbo-charge your hydration and is used by over 50 pro-sports teams in the UK. It claims to be the most comprehensive form of hydration, vitamins and minerals out there, and the brand reports that Phizz rapidly hydrates your body three times more than through drinking water alone. With very little time to myself in the mornings, I’d intended to try it out to see if a hurried glass of Phizz first thing, could give me the extra hydration I needed to speed up and lengthen my morning runs.
Instead, I put it to the ultimate test, to see if it could help me get through a busy Monday on a couple of hours sleep thanks to a night of insomnia and an early-rising baby. I was feeling blurry-eyed, so was interested to see if Phizz could cut through. Maybe it was the distraction of a bunch of back-to-back meetings, but to my surprise, by mid-morning, I felt positively chipper. Not quite like I’d risen with my alarm, run 6K and done a meditation exercise, but a lot more functional than I was expecting. Working from home generally means the very worst 3pm slump, especially if I’m yet to leave the house, but thanks to Phizz I managed to avoid that mid-afternoon crash.
In fact, after having a far more productive day than I'd anticipated, I was able to get my morning routine back on track the following day, even getting out for a short run before work - something that felt far less painful than normal, now that I was properly hydrated.
When Phizz identifies all the reasons why you might need to rehydrate quickly, they all seem a little out of reach right now - a sweaty workout class, that morning coffee on the way to work, or evening cocktails. But when those things come back, Phizz feels like an excellent addition to post-lockdown life. And in the meantime? It’s not always easy to remember to drink enough water, to keep those little routines going that make us feel better - but that’s where Phizz comes into its own, giving us a little burst of energy, just when we need it. And with the brand offering an exclusive 20% discount to Grazia readers right now, it's a great time to put Phizz to the test.
Click through below for more info on Phizz - your exclusive 20% off discount code, MORNING20 will be applied automatically at checkout.

Phizzu2019s science-backed formula helps you stay hydrated while delivering 19 vitamins and minerals that provide natural energy and support immune system and brain function, recovery and wellness. Its all-star lineup includes 375% of your daily dose of Vitamin C (the equivalent of three oranges). It also packs a self-care punch with zinc and other powerful antioxidants.
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