As WFH - working (out) from home - proves to have staying power, the kit available to help us to get a great exercise experience continues to develop. Among the latest fitness offerings to reach the market is Hydrow, which promises a rowing experience that feels worlds apart from slogging away on the clapped-out machine in the corner of the gym.
What is Hydrow?
Hydrow is essentially a rowing machine with a screen attached, on which trainers guide you through rowing sessions. One of the nice things about Hydrow is that you're watching instructors row outside, rather than in a studio - they're often on the Charles River in Boston, and Indian Creek in Miami Beach - which means you've scenery, boats and the odd leaping fish to look at. You can watch them live or on catch-up, more likely the latter for those of us in the UK, as currently the class timetable feels more geared to the US timezones.
Crucially, Hydrow say they have re-engineered the traditional rowing machine with patented technology, 'making each stroke feel like you’re out on the water' - and it's true that it is a smoother experience than the rowing machines you might find at the gym. The tech also means it's fairly quiet, so won't drown out the instructor as you row, or upset the neighbours.
As for the benefits of the workout, anyone who's spent time on a rowing machine or on the water knows that rowing offers a full-body workouts that packs a punch; put in 15 minutes of effort on the Hydrow and you will feel it the next day. The company points out that it is however a low-impact workout - so gentle on your joints.

What are the Hydrow classes like?
Choose from a variety of intensities and durations, ranging from (relatively more) relaxed 'breathe' sessions to intense 'drive' workouts that will leave your muscles screaming (in a good way) . The instructors - competitive rowers who include former Olympians - are good-humoured and chatty, sharing details of their lives and offering motivational thoughts over upbeat soundtracks (which you can turn down or switch off if you prefer your own music).
Cleverly, the tech means your performance is tracked on screen; you can see how you are doing against everyone else who is in or has completed that same session. If you're at all competitive, it can give your performance a boost to know that you're gaining on your rival who's rowing away in, say, New York.
You can also access classes that take place off the mat, including yoga, pilates and strength training, to complement your rowing workouts.
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How much does a Hydrow cost?
The price is not for the faint-hearted: the machine currently retails for £2,295 (including shipping), then there's a monthly charge of £38 to subscribe to the training sessions, which you are going to want if you have one of these. Hydrow do offer a 30-day trial period to see if you like it - if not, they promise your money back - but it would definitely feel a wise move to have a least spent a few hours on a traditional rowing machine (or even on the river) before making that outlay, to make sure that you like this type of exercise.
How big is a Hydrow machine?
The machine is 86 inches long and 25 inches wide. Which means that if you want to store it upright - which is one option when it's not in use - it will need at least 86 inches of ceiling height. You also need to leave some space around the machine, so you don't hit anything while you're using it: Hydrow suggest a minimum of one foot of clear space both behind and in front of Hydrow. For the off-machine classes, you need space next to the rower, too.
The company recommends that you use a rubber or dense foam mat underneath your Hydrow to protect your flooring.
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Cardio Kit Stacked - Grazia 2021

Nike Free RN shoes, £94.95
These have a stripped-down upper to give a second-skin feel; ideal for runs up to three miles.

Adidas resistance bands, £10 for three

Pinko waterproof jacket, £420
High-impact, breathable and moisture-wicking, this bra ensures comfort and support.

Champion bumbag, £35

Matalan leggings, £14

Iris & Ink hoodie, £80

Stance trainer socks, £11.99

Shock absorber sports bra, Joh Lewis £26.60

Urbanista in-ear earphones, £89
These wireless lightweight headphones come with a charging case for power on the move.
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Shop: Buy A Hydrow Machine

Hydrow machine, £1,995
The Hydrow machine is sold with a 30-day 'risk-free' trial. Check the Hydrow site for special offers on packages.